Chapter Eighteen

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Gen's (small) POV

Sam emerged from the kitchen with a fake grin after a conversation with Piper. Castiel and Dean had continued their discussion as to weather or not Cas was going to be Dean's best man, so Sam plops down next to me and I rub his tense back. " What's wrong?" I ask just audible enough for him to hear. " Heated argument with Piper, that's all." He sighs. Piper was like a best friend, so if it was this bad, it had to be over something big. Something big was coming. " Piper texted, said she'll be gone for a few days. Big hunt I'm guessing." Sarah shrugs leaning into Dean.

He smiled wrapping his arm around her shoulder rubbing the baby belly. They were adorable to say the least. Cas just looked jealous from the other side and it caused a smile to my face. I pick up my own phone and text the missing girl. 'Come home safe. What happened between you and Sam? He seems upset.😕' Not a minute later the three dots appear. ' Nothing. He just realized that maybe things aren't all smiles and rainbows. Don't worry about it hun. Why don't you and Sarah go window dress shopping and I'll help when I come back?'  Despite the fact I wanted answers, I left it. She maybe was younger, maybe not too serious, but her eyes....they were filled. So much, too much. Yet she never, no never cried.  Always took care of us, even if we didn't need it.

Charlie's POV

" Papa don't preach! I'm in trouble deep...Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep..." The radio plays an old CD mix. My mind races, Sammy. Dean. Mom. Demons, Crowley. Florence, Lucifer. The kids. Cassie and Ben. Failure. Gabriel. Gen. Me. The highway was loud and open. The breeze hit my face just passing through Missouri. After another hour or so I was just passing through the quiet neighborhoods. Maybe one or two lights filled a filled the neighborhood. All sleeping. Then, screams. The brakes slam and the car goes in park as lucky hangs on my waist. More screams . Now I'm out of the car and bursting through a front door.

Sulfur, demon blade..check. I run up the steps a family is cornered by two men. The father with a gun, useless. As the children hide behind the mother, a puppy's body is on the floor. All crying, pleading. " Hey douche wads." I twirl the knife around my fingers as both look towards me.

Black eyed assholes sneer and lunge but I shoot the one with a devil trap bullet and stab the other. I finish the job with the other demon. I look over at the frighten family who were holding each other. " Call the police, then get you and your family far far away and never look back, understand?" The father nods and I run back out to my car. Now all lights were on and the people crowded. I speed off, well my good deed of the day was done, even if it was at three a.m.

I tried to drown out my thoughts with the music but my thoughts were too loud. A thousand a minute, zipping around in my pretty little head. I wanted this. This is what I get. I made another stop in Illinois for a back alley demon attack ,behind a strip club. Good news, saved the stripper. Bad news I was disgustingly covered in demon blood.

By the time I actually go to Ohio it was mid-day. I texted Dean to let him know I was fine and it shouldn't take longer that three or so days. That was a lie, if something went wrong and I died well then it would take eternity. Ah light jokes, never fails to make things worse.

So demon hotspot, demon hotspot. Grimy clubs, check there first. The motel was nicer than some others. Not completely shitty but wasn't the greatest. I decided to start tonight and checkup in the morning. I throw my bag on the twin sized bed and sigh standing at the door. A pair of arms sneak around my waist, but they were lovingly and I feel him rest his chin on my shoulder. " Hey sugar." I let go, leaning into him. " Hey sweet cheeks. Whatcha doing here?" I tilt my head back to look at him.

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