Chapter Nine

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Piper's POV

I kiss Sam and Dean goodnight, like old times. They head to their room and this gives me time to change skimpy. Time to revisit when I was fourteen or should I say whoreteen? I check to make sure the motel room lights are off before grabbing my keys.

I drive down to the bar we passed on the way here. ' Peters bar' . I park Rufus and head into the bar where I'm greeted by the sight of the Stynes and their little group. In that I look for the weakest link and find a guy who looked to be in his early twenties. He stared at me. I smile and open my posture. His eyes dilate meaning he's aroused, I wink at him and send a beer over.

Soon enough my trap seems to have worked. He walks over grinning. " Hey baby." He rubs my inner thigh and it's sickening. It was a year ago maybe less that the real Charlie was killed and it was by those leg humping fuckers.

" Hey big boy." I bite my lip and he squeezes my thigh tightly. " Wanna get out of here?" He nods and I take his hand leading him to the alley behind the bar. When outside he pins me up on the wall and soon enough his tongue is in my mouth, in my mind all I wanna do is push him away.

He grabs shirt and rips it open, his nails aren't human. They scratch my stomach and I whimper but he continues to kiss me. I flip it so his back is up on the wall. I reach in my pocket pulling away. " What's wrong baby?" He questions as I bring the sliver blade against his neck. " Scream, yell or anything of the sorts, I will slit your throat. Tell me what I need to know and then you can tattle on me to daddy, if not I'll just make you suffer until then." I grin.

" Okay, what? What do you want to know?" Must be new, usually it takes an hour or two before they answer. " Where can I find them? The head of each group. C'mon I wanna help you." I urge trying to get some false trust.

" The vamp hangs out at the bar on Maryland, its ran by Jax. The shapeshifter's stay hidden in the rich neighbourhoods but they're suppose to meet at a gala tomorrow, the-the demons, I don't know, hospital probably." His breathe hitches. " Thanks babe."

I kiss his cheek. He smiles. " But I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." He frowns as I stab him in the heart, he dies instantly. It would have been worse if I had left him alive, the douche dogs would have tortured him until he forgot his own name. I write a note. ' For revenge, meet me at barn in Hayfax. Saturday , noon. - Jax' I make my handwriting rough to resemble a mans.

I go to my car and take my ripped shirt and shorts and wrap my stomach in gauze. And throw on my regular type of outfit, then drive back to the motel.

"Whoa, calm down. Sit down." Sam tries guiding me to a chair but I refuse and proceed to tell him I'm fine. Of course I wasn't, I bled through the bandages and it was 6 in the morning. I told them where to find me, dragging myself into the car and parked in the parking lot of the second bar I've been to in the last hour.

I grab my machete from the back seat and change my blood soaked shirt for the second time. Sighing I open my car door. I walk up to the front door and I know I smell of blood and that if it isn't sewn I'll bleed out but I walk into the small pub. " I'm here on business." I announce as I enter the place. " everyone out!" The bartender shouts and all humans leave. " I don't want to hurt anyone, I just wanna talk to Jax. " They all growl looking towards me, no doubt pissed that I ruined dinner.

" Well it seems you've found me." I turn to find a tall blond standing behind me. " Come." He says taking my hand and leading me to a back room. I sit in a chair in front of a desk where he sat.  " So what did you want to talk to me about?" He smirks. " Stynes. They need to go. They killed one of my men today. They said that are planning on attacking you and your pack. " His hand clenches. Anger. Good I got his attention.

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