Interesting Nights

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** Sean's perspective **

I feel like a weirdo. I was getting jealous again. Jett was gone, but then Flynn happened. Luckily, Y/N wasn't constantly talking to him. But it still made me feel weird. You go through all of this trouble for someone, and you feel threatened that they could leave you.

" Sean?" Y/N asked.

" Yeah?" I replied, snapping out of my zone.

" You okay?" They asked, smiling.

Giving them a squeeze, I replied, " I'm perfect."

They smiled and leaned back onto me. I smiled too and looked down at the most perfect person in the world. Suddenly, everything went black. I felt my lungs fill with poison and my stomach clench. My throat went dry like a desert, and my head gets clouded with black fog.

" I did not like that, Sean. I did not like that at all," Jack purred in my ear, sounding like a demon with his dark voice.

I closed my eyes tightly, but Jack kept my eyelids propped open. It's not like I saw better with them closed...

" Next time you kick me out of gear; I'll make sure Y/N here feels it too. I wonder what they sound like. When they scream and plead for mercy. I can hear it now. Them getting hurt by their idol, their roommate. Their boy toy. Then, Y/N would be running back to Jett or Flynn, and have a nice big-"

" Stop, I growled in a quiet voice.

Y/N was still watching. I guessed they didn't hear me.

" Did I hurt ya feelers?" Jack asked. " I bet I can bend every bone in their body like a straw."

I breathed out, and carefully started gaining control. I tried to unclog my brain and lungs and unwound the black strands that were Jack's eyes. I gasped out softly as I could breathe in normally, and Jack crawled back into my brain. Y/N was still distracted, which was a good thing. Suddenly, something buzzed. Y/N turned to look at their leg and pulled out their phone. I glanced down, and I saw Flynn on the top.

" Hey, perfect." Flynn texted.

Smiling, Y/N replied, " Thanks, pal/Still dating someone, remember? I want us to be friends, nothing more. "

I smiled. They were indefinitely in the friendzone. I kissed the top of their head and they shut off their phone. We both kept our attention on the tv.

Eventually, Y/N dozed off in my arms and rested their beautiful eyes. I carried them to their bed and tucked them in. I shut the door and started humming that one song I sang to Y/N as I walked. I smiled, as I loved the lyrics. It made me happy. Suddenly, I heard an extremely loud knock. I went to the front door, but then someone grabbed my arm gently. I looked back to see Y/N rubbing their eye with their hand.

" Who's knocking?" They asked, their voice monotone and sleepy.

" I don't know," I replied honestly.

Together, we made our way to the door. I opened it, but the second it did, the door smacked against us.

" JACK!!" A girl squealed.

I looked around to see a girl. She was wearing a Septiceye Sam hat, shirt, pants ( somehow ), and had a Sam plushie.

" Excuse me?" Y/N asked.

" Jack!!" She squealed again. " I am, like, your biggest fan!"

My eyes almost bugged out of my skull. " Why are you at my apartment?!" I asked.

She gasped. " You know who I am?!?!"

" No!" I declared. " You need to leave. Right now."

The girl didn't budge.

Y/N was getting impatient. " You woke both of us up. I don't care how big of a fan you are. Leave. Get out of the building and out of my sight." Y/N ordered.

I hadn't seen this side of them... It was interesting. I wasn't scared. I was just intrigued but this sudden Alpha Male attitude.

Then, the girl pulled out her phone, decorated with a Septiceye Sam phone case, and it flashed. I instantly covered my face and was now beyond pissed.

" I love you, though! I'm there for every video! I've liked everyone! I know your schedule by heart! Love me!" The girl declared.

Y/N was done. They personally grabbed the girl by the upper arm and started pulling her towards the stairs.

" Time to go," Y/N said.

" No! I'm not leaving!" The girl fought, tugging away from Y/N.

But Y/N wasn't going to have that. Not this late at night. Their grip on the girl tightened as they dragged her down the stairs. I waited for thirty seconds and started to worry. Then, I saw the familiar face of Y/N. They got inside, and we shut the door and locked it.

" Thank you," I said as I leaned my back against the door.

" Anytime," Y/N huffed, walking towards the kitchen.

I grabbed their hand and politely pulled them closer to me. I wrapped my hands around their lower back and looked into their shiny eyes as I kissed their soft lips. They smiled and draped their arms around my neck as they pushed back.

My mind thought simple thoughts.

I pulled back and whispered, " My perfect little bodyguard."

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें