Goodbye to the Bad Guy

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** Sean's perspective **

" Signe, leave," I demanded after I heard Y/N shut the door.

All of the sudden, she just left. No questions or snarky comments.

" Jett, we are going outside now," I said.

" Mano eh mano?" Jett asked, smirking a grin.

I nodded my head. He left out the front door, and I followed. Eventually, we were outside. He looked around, and then bent his neck twice. I stood there, planning everything out in my head. But, I wasn't strong enough. At all. But... Jack was.

I thought out everything. Jack would need to blur Jett and me to the cabin, but outside it. There would be good fighting grounds instead of in the middle of town.

I took a deep breathe in and out, before whispering, " Now."

Black sand filled my lungs almost instantly, and the kick in the stomach made me ache. Every black strand went around my eyes and my tongue stretched like pizza dough. My legs felt weak, but Jack quickly took control of them. My head pounded as I was shoved inside of it. Then, black. All I could do was listen to everything around me.

I prayed Jack wouldn't go overboard.

** Nightmare's perspective **

I opened our eyes. Everything was crystal clear once more. I looked at Jett, and his face of arrogance exchanged with pure terror. Charging towards him, I tackled him and blurred. All the way to the cabin. When we reached there, I was barely winded. Jett had swallowed every bug on the way there. I stood tall, while Jett was hunched over coughing. I walked over to him and kneed him with our leg. Jett grunted as he fell to the ground. He scurried in fear and stood up again.

" Why do you want Y/N?" Jett asked, breathing in short breaths.

Blurring over to him, I slammed him to the ground. I held our hand on his throat as I towered over him. " I told you. Y/N IS MINE!!!!" I said, sounding mental as I slammed him down on the dirt ground again.

Jett coughed and spurted up blood. Our body was pumping full of blood, and I could hear his heart racing. He stood up slowly and charged at us. He punched our face. I couldn't feel it. In response, I laughed and laughed. Jett looked at me and then hit us again. I caught his fist and threw his arm back. He grunted. I swung our arm and nailed him directly in the face. Jett's head moved as his neck was thrown back. Jett ducked and tried to tackle our feet. I moved our leg, and he got a foot to the shoulder, which knocked him back and off his feet. I looked at him. The man who ruined my chance with Y/N.

My eyes opened wide in insanity as I charged our foot, and released to kick him directly in the ribs. He coughed up blood on the earth while I stood and watched. I continued, again and again, feeling my muscles in my leg ache from the violent motion. Blood spurted from his mouth as tears leaked down his cheeks.

" I'm sorry!" Jett coughed out, trying to block his chest with his arms.

I squatted down and reached over to Jett's head. I pulled on his hair with our hand and lifted him closer to us.

" I must have something in my ears. Say that again?" I taunted.

" I'm sorry!" Jett cried.

I smiled wickedly and licked the blood off his face with my long tongue.

I replied, " There! Was it that hard?"

" Please! Don't kill me!" He begged, limp in our hands.

" We won't. If you promise never ever to go anywhere near us again," I negotiated.

Jett nodded faintly. " Of course! Just, please! Don't hurt me anymore!"

I smiled our mouth and dropped his head. He coughed again. I stood up and stretched. Then, I started walking.

" Thank you!" I shouted at him in my demonic voice, as I started towards the apartment building.

" Wait!" Jett called out.

I turned us around to look at him. He was on his stomach, and he was outstretching his arm to us.

" What?" I yelled.

" Aren't you taking me back?" Jett asked.

I laughed. " No!"

Jett again changed his facial expression. Shock and misery. I winked at him and blurred all the way back to the apartment. I opened the doors and started walking up the stairs. Signe was waiting on the second-floor steps. I lunged for her but pulled back. Our ex was so startled, that she ran off in tears. I made it to the apartment, and before I could step in, our legs stopped. Suddenly, I was unwinding. I started losing my vision, and the control of our legs.

" You aren't letting Y/N see you," Sean threatened inside our head.

" Wait, pal! Just let me unwind!" I said, my voice straining as I started to lose control of breathing. " You're too powerful!"

Sean didn't care. Within fifteen seconds, he was in control. And I was stuck in the back of his mind. With no energy.

" Now, fuck off already," Sean said and opened the door.

With some of Sean's strength, he knocked me completely out of control. I was stuck mute and useless for an entire week. Sean's new set of skills... made me uneasy.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now