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** Y/N's perspective **

After two days of puking and being absolutely miserable, I managed to get rid of the stomach bug. No word from jacksepticeye... Or Sean... I sighed out loud. I expected a snarky remark from Gi... who I hadn't seen all day today. Getting up out of my bed, I walked slowly to her room. The door was shut. I knocked loudly and waited for a response. Impatient, I opened the door. Her bed was messy, along with her room, but no Gi. I wandered out into the kitchen. No one was there. Living room? No one. Underneath the table? Nope. My mouth went to the side. I didn't know where she went.

I did know, that Frank was moving in. There were three giant boxes beside the front door. They were labeled Frank's stuff. I rolled my eyes in anger. I knew that he would have nowhere to sleep. Either I would get kicked out, or he would have to sleep on the couch. Gi wouldn't let him sleep in the same room as her unless they were hammered.

Small problem with the couch though.

Frank was bigger than the thing. He couldn't fit on there for his life. Balling my fist, I tried my hardest not to scream in frustration. I took my shoes, put them on, and went outside of my apartment. I heard a door slam shut somewhere down the hall. I shook my head and walked down the stairs and outside. It was surprisingly sunny, and a decent temperature. I started on my peaceful journey.

( Time skip! )

I ran up the stairs, trying my best to get some workout today. The hallways were still the same. Yet, something felt different. I walked to my apartment and grabbed firmly onto the handle. I turned my wrist, which turned the handle, and opened the door. Nothing had changed. I shut the door behind me and went towards my room.

As I turned down the hallway, a bag was thrown out of my room. It landed on top of another bag. They looked like my book bags. I dashed to my room and saw a very pissed off Gi tear my clothes out of my closet.

" What the hell?!" I shrieked, my eyes bugging out of my head.

" Frank is moving into your shit bedroom," Gi declared, yanking my shirts off my hangers.

" What the fuck? I'm your best friend! Now what? You're steroid addicted himbo is just replacing me!?" I defended, walking quickly into my room.

" No, you're not!" She said, turning around and taking the pile of my clothes on the floor and shoving it inside a plastic bag.

" What do you mean?" I questioned, lifting my hands in confusion and anger.

" Well, let's see. Every single second you've been in Ireland, all you've done is shove your head up jacksepticeye's ass, and oh! Abandon me! So, Frank is a better roommate than you," Gi explained, shoving more clothes in the bag.

" I have not! You've just been groping your fake boyfriend ever since we got here!" I defended again.

Gi chuckled madly at me and threw the bag at me violently. I caught it and took a step back.

" Fake boyfriend, huh? Well, why didn't you just say that earlier? Why don't you just move in again!" Gi mocked. " The only fake one here is you!"

" Me?" I said repulsed.

" Yes you, you whore!" Gi shouted, running towards me. She brushed past me angrily and went into the dining room to place my laptop in a box on the table.

" I'm the whore?! Let's check, how many boyfriends have you had in this year alone, Gi? Or can you even count that high?!" I shouted at her, walking behind her.

" At least my boyfriend didn't cheat on me with, maybe six other girls!?" Gi replied.

" Low blow," I said, shaking my head.

She brushed past me and grabbed my bags out of the hallway.

" You're a terrible friend!" Gi declared.

" Like you deserve an award!" I shouted back, not letting any mean words boil in my head any longer.

Gi turned towards me and rested her hand on the table with her hand rested on her hip. " You know what...? I want you out, now. I was going to give you dinner first, but apparently, you need space for your conniption."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her dry threats and stupidity.

Then, Gi pushed me. Hard. I stumbled like a drunk man towards the front door. She grabbed all my bags and my laptop box and threw them roughly on the couch that was next to the front door. I went to go push her back, but she started talking.

" When I said, leave, I meant it!" Gi shouted.

" You're being a crazy bitch!" I shouted back.

She reached around and opened the front door. My back was facing towards the hallway. Slowly, she stepped closer towards me. I backed up slowly but stopped after three seconds. I had no way of telling how close I was to the open hallway.

" Oh, okay. Name calling now, huh?" She taunted, her face bathed in anger.

" You've called me names ever since I got home!" I said honestly.

" Please," Gi said, taking one step towards me. I backed up a tiny bit more, but just so I could have a little room. " This isn't your home anymore."

And with that, she shoved me above my chest and on my shoulders. I lost my balance and quickly fell on my back and on my ass.

Like lightning, Gi threw my clothes and laptop box outside next to me. And just as quick as she threw them, she slammed the door shut. I was outside and in the hallway. I leaned my body back onto the floor and breathed out heavily.

I just got kicked out of the one place I had to stay. The one freaking place. I closed my eyes tightly. I opened them and looked over. I saw a man in a long, red shirt, look down at me. Looking into his eyes, I could tell instantly who those eyes belonged to.

They could only be Sean's. He looked at me with a certain wonder. Sean also looked at me like a was a bird who broke its wing. Sean power-walked towards me and kneeled down carefully next to my luggage and my body.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें