Knocked Out

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** Y/N's perspective **

Waking up, I felt a sickness in my stomach. I ran into the bathroom and felt the burning sensation crawl up and out of my throat. I collapsed near the toilet bowl and make the disgusting sound. I reached back and pushed my hair behind my ears.

** Sean's perspective **

Walking down the hallways, I eventually made it to Y/N's. I rolled back and forth on my heels as I knocked on their door. I waited for around three minutes and no answer. I shrugged, and wrote my phone number down on a piece of paper, sliding it under their door. I hoped Gi would have a heart and give it to Y/N. I strolled back and shut my door quietly.

I flopped down on my couch and pondered what I was going to do today. I jumped in my skin as a loud pounding noise startled me. Like someone outside was beating my door to a pulp.

Instantaneously, everything went black. I couldn't see or move. I stood up and walked to the door. I started coughing, but not out loud. The darkness had consumed my throat and took over entirely. My stomach felt like it had been ripped out. 

Jack had taken over again.

Hearing the door creak open, I hoped that it wasn't Y/N. A smooth, deep British voice proved me wrong.

" What the bloody hell?" The voice asked.

" What?" Jack made me say blatantly.

" Umm, mind explaining why you're hanging around my Y/N?" The voice asked defensively.

" What do you mean?" Jack said, still hiding behind my voice.

" What do I mean?" He asked, shocked. " I mean, why'd you stop by their place, and why do they look up to you so much? You are the ugliest man I have ever met. You have no right to be around Y/N. You are nothing but a piece of-"

Suddenly, my arm stuck out and grabbed this person by their throat. My arm lifted them up in the air and rotated them into the room. Immediately, I could hear his choking sounds, and feel his hands rocket to his throat to claw at my hand. I felt my foot yank towards the door, and shut it with a harsh slam. His throat slipped out of my grasp as he was thrown onto the floor.

" Are you crazy?" The man asked in fear.

Jack spoke in his normal, low pitched voice, looked at him with inky black eyeballs, and replied, " Yes, Jett Black, I'm absolutely mad."

My gut sank as Jack said his name. 

Jett was going to tell Y/N what Jack was. 

But, I couldn't let Jack kill him. I was just a spectator in this situation. Jack wouldn't let me gain control and apologize. I knew him. He was going to kill Jett. And I could do nothing to stop it.

I could feel the look of terror that Jett shot me. 

My legs walked forward, and suddenly, I grasped something again. I felt a soft cloth in between my fingers and palm on my left hand. Using my other arm, it raised without my consent and connected with Jett's face. I felt him get hit, as his body fell limp in my grasp. Jack raised my arm again and quickly smashed against the poor guy's cheek. 

My knuckles started bruising and aching after punching Jett so many times. I felt my muscles tense as my arm lifted him in the air, and threw him to the ground. I was still blind to the entire situation. I couldn't see anything.

" Leave me alone!" Jett pleaded. I could hear his pants scraping on my wood floor. He must be shooting away. " You black eyed freak!"

I felt my legs walk again, and inside, I almost lost my balance. My leg kicked and connected with something. My leg bucked again, and my foot connected with his stomach. I wanted to stop so badly, but... I just couldn't. My veins pumped black, and my head pounded. 

The sounds of coughing up blood and spit, and the continuous sounds of my shoe meeting his tender body was enough to cripple me mentally.

Suddenly, I felt something forcefully knock the wind out of me. I fell onto the ground harshly, and the wind flew out of my lungs. I felt myself flip up, and I stood up again. My legs surged with boiling blood. My fists opened and closed in anticipation and anger.

" Where did ya go, you fucker!" Jack hissed.

I tried. I closed my eyes and squeezed them tightly. I couldn't let Jack kill Jett. I felt my knees buckle, and my legs stand still. 

I was doing this. 

I felt my arm tendons flex in agony as I tried to gain control of my body. I blinked and opened my eyes quickly. I saw my apartment; not black. I was winning to gain control of myself.

Abruptly, something smashed into my head hard. I heard a giant shatter and felt agonizing pain. My head lost control of my body, nor was Jack fully in control. I fell forwards and struck my head brutally on my dark wooden floor. 

The eyes in my skull lulled themselves shut. If Jack was in control, full control, then he could just use my unconscious body to kill Jett. Luckily, that didn't happen. I had paid the price to save his life. I was knocked out cold. 

Either from the hit, or the impact of my floorboards.

I Don't Want to Hurt You! (Antisepticeye/Jacksepticeye X Reader) [ BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now