I bite the inside of my cheek, leaning back in my revolving chair causing the backrest to lean back a little. Still holding the pen in my hands I twirl it between my fingers, as I rest my elbow on the arm rest, using it as a distraction to release some of my anger as my eyes look out the wall of windows onto the city streets.

This is the actual thing that pisses me off. Why does everyone have to assume things about me? Is it wrong for me to ask for the benefit of the doubt that everyone else is given?

I shake my head shutting my office door behind me as I step through. As I walk over to my desk my phone begins to ring. Quickly, I fish it out of the inside pocket of my suit jacket, glancing down at the caller ID before answering.

"Hey babe." I answer, trying to make my voice seem non-irritated and normal as possible.

"Hey," Ryder's cheerful voice greets back through the line. "Okay, so I talked to Shawn about what you have to wear to the wedding and he said-"

"Uh, could we talk about that later?" I ask.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I answer simply, moving around my desk to sit down in my chair.

"Really? Because you sound frustrated." She says, and I could practically envision her frowning at me.

"No, I just kind of want to be alone right now."

"No,tell me." She gently presses. "Maybe I can-"

"I said it's nothing. I just want to be on my own." I press, sternly, my voice laced with annoyance once more. "When I say it's nothing, that what it means. You don't have to keep on asking me."

"Oh...okay." She says after a few seconds, her voice sad. "I... I guess I'll talk to you later than."

"No, wait." I sigh before she could hung up, rolling my eyes at my stupid behavior. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a jerk it's just..."

I shake my head while closing my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I got into a small spat with a coworker." I explain. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take my anger out on you."

"Oh, well...do you want to talk about it?" She asks, sounding reluctant.

"No babe. I actually have to go but I'll talk to you later, okay?" I ask, opening up the drawer of my desk taking out the small pile of files I have to organize.

"Okay, but if you need me, I'm here."

I smile. "I know, thank you. Bye baby."

I hang up and set my phone down on my desk next to the files. I take in a deep breath running my hands through my hair.

This relationship stuff is hard.

I scowl at myself for getting mad at Ryder, she was only trying to help me. It just got on my nerves, I've just have gotten so accustomed to dealing with things on my own that Ryder asking me again and again pushed my buttons.

Fully decided, I pick up my phone to type out a text.

To: Ryder
Hey babe, sorry for getting mad. I'm just not used to people asking me when something is wrong. Xx

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now