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Leah's POV
We have been searching all day, called the police, sent people out looking and everything else. I hope they are okay it hurts to think they are gone. It was 11:58 and we all sat on the sofa watching Lego Movie. I sat alone constantly looking at my phone at pictures of Calum or Daisy. The rain constantly hitting the window and splitting the silence. "Leah." Luke chimed. "What?" I snapped, "wow your being a mardy cow, we all miss them but actually being sappy and barley talk, is like WTF!" He told me rudely. "Well Luke I know it's hard because I feel the pain just AS MUCH AS YOU AND ITS HARDER HAVING TO LOOK AT MY BED AND KNOW IM ALONE!"'I shouted standing up, "you have us." Ashton said. "Well I want Calum and Daisy." I complained opening the door and running into the poring rain. "Leah stop it!" Luke snapped. "No Luke, all this time I was scared, of losing everything but I know now that I already lost it, you tell me what to do and were to go, but I'm not putting up with it anymore!" I let the rain hit me rapidly and powerfully. Luke was glaring at me covered in water, I screamed in frustration and anger. "Why does everything go wrong these days!" I shouted throwing myself to the floor. "Sis I have never said this but, your a horrible cow and you are a bossy bitch and you annoy the shit out of us." He told me. I cried into my sleeves of Calum's jacket. "You mess us around and ever since dad died it's been 'aw Leah have this,' or have that' and you never think of anyone but yourself." I cried harder. I stood up and stormed into the hose and grabbed the biggest knife. "Leah no!" Summer shouted. I locked myself in the bathroom and cried so hard I could breath. "Leah please don't hurt yourself." Michael told me. They all spoke to me but I didn't listen. I placed the blade at the edge of mg wrist and pushed down pulling it back, the pain ran through me and I screamed. Everyone was banging on the door and blood spilling out. My eyes went black and all I heard was faint buzzing.

I woke up and saw myself in bed with band aid around my wrist. I moved it and then winced in pain. "Fuck sake!" I cried. I was alone in pain. "Calum." I whispered, "I need you."

It's all about you (Conor Maynard and 5sos fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now