Party Kidnapp

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Summer's POV
We watched the food being trendily placed in fount of us. They reviled the plates to.... Pizza! "Yay pizza!" Michael screamed causing everyone to look. "Sorry." I told them laughing so hard. Then joined in Leah,Calum,Luke and Mckai. We all laughed and Ashton was holding it back. Luke's mum stared at me with a devil look. "So," Leah broke the silence. "Let me make a toast to the happy new couple, guys we have all been though a lot, but you two stayed strong," she held her glass up. "And everyone here is thinking, oh Leah shut up, but no I won't shut up because I need to show how strong these two happy people are going to be," I saw a tear in Luke's eye, " before my brother cries, to the newly wedded couple Muke" everyone held their glass up and repeated, "to muke." Everyone besides Liz, she sat there looking around like everyone was frogs.
Luke's POV
I wasn't happy my mum wasn't joining in. We all went outside to have a few drinks. "Hey guys," Calum said, "I'm going to take Daisy home." He all nodded. "Ok stay safe," Leah said kissing him. Summer and Michael kissed Daisy and handed her to him. We watched him walk over the bridge in his skinny jeans and blazer. Daisy was asleep in her little dress, and pink and dimonty shoes. She was holding a little flower she took from Michael's pocket. Her brown long hair was over Calum's shoulder, and he held her close. "Wait," Michael said, "aw she took your flower," Summer squealed. "Mum," I said pulling my sister over to her. "Put the alcohol down," Leah snapped. She carried on drinking the whine and looked at my sister horribly. "Mum," I told her and she walked away to Summer. "Hey bitch," my said slapping summer around the face. "LIZZ!" They shouted and I saw Leah pull her back. "Just because you get money off Luke's job, and Summer and Michael have a baby so they are on break, and you don't get money, doesn't mean be a little sly bitch," Leah snapped. Summer pushed her to the floor and she got up and stormed of. She dramatically through her phone into the pond and left her heals behind. "What a dramatic bitch," Mckai ground.
*a few hours of drinks and dancing.
Leah's POV
We watched Mckai's arms wrap around Luke and they slowly danced. I took my last sip of whine and went to see Ashton. He picked me up and hugged me, "hey princess Leah," he bowed. "Hi," I said
laughing. "Wana dance?" He asked (the couple dance had ended) and I nodded. We walked to the dance floor and danced to. One dance and Tears. "This is the last dance." The d.j called, "ANMISA!" I shouted. Then the song played.

Michael, Summer, Luke and Mckai all joined in. After the song we all went home. Mckai and Luke went to a hotel because they were going to their honey moon in morning. We arrived home and Summer was being carried my Ashton. Michael helped me into the house because I was drunk. We decided to sit on the grass and have a last bear. "We're is Daisy?!" Michael shouted, "I'm pretty sure she's here," Ashton said pointing to a daisy on the ground. "No Calum and Daisy are gone!"

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