Chapter 26

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I was looking for a mini market to buy an instant ramyun when I suddenly saw Jihae running on the streets. Was she okay? She didn't look well as her body was all wet and she didn't wear anything to cover her body from the rain.

I wanted to approach her and gave her my umbrella, but I was afraid. We didn't talk much after our break-up.

Taehyung, you have to be brave. You're a gentleman, and there's a lady out there who is running through the rain and doesn't wear anything to cover herself from the rain.

I sighed. I took a deep breathe before I finally approached her. After I had gotten quite close to Jihae, I put my umbrella above her. She looked confused before she realized my presence.

"Taehyung?" she said. Gosh, how I had missed this voice.

"Are you okay, Jihae?" I asked as I got worried.

"Yeah, I'm okay." After that, she kept sneezing. I knew her, okay. She's quite weak at cold weather, and there's a chance she could faint or had a high fever.

"You don't look fit, Jihae. Let me take you home," I said.

She nodded. Thank God she let me to take her home. But, well, the situation was really, really awkward. I kept searching for a topic for us to talk about, but I had no idea. Seeing her kept sneezing and shivering, I decided to ask.

"Are you feeling cold?"

Wow, what a great question, Taehyung. Dumb ass.

"You think?" she said as she rolled her eyes.


I stopped walking as I decided wanting to warm her up.

"Why did you stop?"

I didn't answer her. I wanted to hug Jihae so bad, but it was not impossible. So, I decided to take off my jacket and wrapped her with it.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks," she sheepishly said as her face became red. I silently chuckled, her face was really adorable.

Gosh, how stupid I was that I even lost her.

We continued our walk to Jihae's house. She kept sneezing, poor her. I wanted to do something about it, but what could I do? All I could do was only admiring her beauty without her notice.

Dumb ass.

Jihae also kept losing her balance. Luckily, I always noticed when she was starting to fall. Gosh, Jihae, where had you been that you went home alone like this?

"Are you okay?"

She nodded.

We finally reached her house. She opened the gate and said weakly, "Thanks for the company, Taehyung."

"I'm fine, don't worry," she said as she smiled. Her face looked so pale. She looked sick :(

"Your face looks pale, Jihae. Do you want me to stay with you for a while?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I can take care of myself."

As soon as she said that, she suddenly fainted. Luckily, I managed to catch her before she fell onto the ground.

"Jihae! Yah, Lee Jihae!"

Don't panic, Taehyung. Stay calm.

I picked her up and carried her bridal style, then quickly ran towards her bedroom. I put Jihae slowly on her bed as I covered her with her blanket. I put my palm on her forehead, and gosh, it was really hot.

I quickly ran towards the kitchen and came back with a bowl of cold water and a towel. I started to compress her with the water. This reminded me to the day when Jihae also got fever. I compressed her like this too.

The night went really fast, it was already 2 am. I was really sleepy, but I kept compressing Jihae with the water. Her face wasn't as red as before, which meant her temperature probably had calmed down.

I yawned and said, "Get well soon, Lee Jihae." After that, I fell asleep.

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