Chapter 11- And The Feelings Kick In...

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             Skylar's play-list went on as I straightened her hair. She had good taste for some one her age. I mean she had a lot of old songs that were R'n'B. Youth her age mostly listen to rap and dubstep.  In 5 minutes I finished her hair. Her hair was easy to do. It was curly, but thin. Mine take 4 hours round about and its still frizzy but mine is about 5x hers in width and volume. 

               After I done her hair, we looked through her wardrobe to see what kind of party cloths she had. The Welcome Party thing, was in a week so if she didn't have anything to wear, she could go get something. I don't know why I did her hair now, I guess it was like a tester so if she didn't like applying heat to her hair or having her hair straight we could change it with plenty of time to spare. She had maxi  dresses that fit nicely on her body, but she was yet to have a figure. I especially loved the summer-coloured Aztec design that needed a little trimming near the ankles. It suited her perfectly and I love Aztec deigns. However it was one of Jane's old dresses and was out of Skyalr's age range as she is only 12. So I continued rummaging through her cloths eager to find something. I wouldn't mind going out to buy something for her but she is all colourful I have a complete different taste, so we would end up shouting our heads off in the shop until we agree. Knowing me, I won't stop. Knowing her, she won't either. So I searched and searched but she never had anything party-like. She says she wanted to make an impression, moving to year 9 would mean friends. Friends would mean forever. Forever would mean looking at the things you did at this age, so she wants to look as if she is sophisticated, yet can have fun and can lead a double life. Nothing she had represented it. Judging by her clothing she had a phase of every life: Goth to tomboy to girly girl to tramp to laid-back and finally, to everything-denim. I remember when I was her age, going through the Emo phase. Still got the scars. But I weren't foolish enough to do them where it was eye level,  I used to do it on my thighs  so no one would see and the scars won't be obvious in the future when I got my sense back. Back then I was way to dump to do anything deep. I just scratched until I drew blood. Except once when Lola banged on the door and the compass needle shook along with my body and went right in. I still remember that night as she laughed when I jolted out a scream after the first wave of pain from the needle. Obviously satisfying her that she can haunt me without even being close. Skylar knocking me side ways sent me whirling back to reality. I managed to keep my balance and just knocked over a pile of cloths. "Sod the dresses. Its time to party. And to this song. My favourite song" She swung over to her IPod and turned the volume up. Then jogging back to me she grabbed me by the hand and lead me to the centre of the room, kicking dresses and shorts out of the way and we danced. We laughed for a while until we got to the centre. Just as she went to kick the last pile of cloths, her foot got attached to the straightening cord and she fell face first. I fell into a fit of laughter until I realized that she could be hurt. I walked over to her still trying to control my laughter. "You alright there?" Nope. my brain weren't going with it. I burst out laughing again.

"Well, that hurt" she mumbled while her face was still dug into a pile of cloths. I laughed yet again.

"Well at least it was a soft landing?" I continued laughing toward the end of the sentence. She picked her head up and shouted,

"Shut it. It hurt!" She groaned and let her head drop back into the pile of cloths, bum sticking out in the air. She mumbled something but I only caught, "-Bloody face plant. She bloody laughs. Aughh-" After a few seconds her back went up and for a second I didn't know if she as laughing or crying. Then I dropped on the floor next to her and we both lay there in a hurricane of laughter. Both equally loud and strange tuned. Just as I calmed myself down, Skylar snorted and I burst out laughing again. A couple of minutes passed and we finally got up. My face red and tears streaming down my face. Skylar's nose red from the fall and she was crying too. I'm not sure if she was crying from the fall or laughing, but one look at her face and we started laughing again, "Okay. Okay. Calm." She passed her hand over her hand and giggled a little longer, then continued, " Back to partying. Yes I think we should move the cloths by hand" she looked over at me and gave a sly smile. Was it me or was this girl mental? We moved the cloths and every minute the music got louder. We danced and embraced the moment. Something I wasn't sure was possible with a girl 2 or so years younger than me. And in her bed room. The first song was 'Dress On' by Justin Timberlake. And I must say it sounded like a sex song but,  I must admit it was a funky song. One you can dance to and you wouldn't care who saw what you where doing. The next as 'Body Count' by Justin too. She must be a serious fan girl judging by her amazing drawing on the walls and posters attached to her door. A perfect cliché of a preteen room. It was nice though. Her art was amazing, she had a huge 'Justin Timberlake' written with paint on the empty part of her wall. The font was amazing and the dull patterns of vector images behind it made the name of white stick out. It was perfect.

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