Chapter 7- What The Freak Am I?..

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                  I looked at him and sighed. "If you were gonna do that, why are you here?" he spoke in the same soft tone as when he talked me skittish. Why did I even come? I knew this was just a big mistake but when did I ever listen to what my gut said? It was always my brain I listened to and it brought me to this...

"Look I'm not here to start a brawl.” Not qualified as I saw, “I just need to ask you something." Which, trust me, I don’t want to do. I spoke not so softly.

"Let me guess. Rough night." a grin appeared on his face now. Well it was more of a twitch of the mouth, but I took it as a grin. I think.

"How do you kno-"

"Every one in your dream had the dream last night." the same tone. Again. And his face broadened. Not into the fake smile at school. But into a straight face so different from the Rafael I saw this morning, it scared me.

"So, the battle of nightmares..." I looked around and back at him. "Is very accurate, as I can see." he twitched again. But for only a mini second "So what is it? Why did I have it? And what the freak am I?" cause I’m freaking confused right now. Oh and did I forget to mention. I’m suffering from PARANOIA RIGHT NOW...

            The next twenty minutes of my day was spent by Rafael answering my questions. This was the longest we had ever been together. Question 1's answer: When a supernatural is about to break into it's power it has a dream of  everything it's capable of. The battle of nightmares is the dream for demons. Other supernaturals have other dreams. All similar in a way. But with demons, it finds four that are going through their powers.  All in catagories.  Like the elements, the incation group, and the skin walkers. There are more catagories but Rafael only gave me them. How does he know? Question 2's answer: As said in question 1, I'm about to break into my powers. Every time I say that word, I get a shiver. Wait a little longer Elizabeth, you will wake up in a second. I kept thinking it was a dream. It had to be. Right now, in the books, a good author would made her main character try out her powers see if she is truly cursed by the Devil or gifted by God (The shiver again). Hell no. Rafael just said I'm adjusting into my powers. A demon's powers kicks in a little in the teen years. A girl demon's powers fully kick in after she starts her period. A boy demon's powers kick in at or after 16, usually. Depending on strength, what ever that meant. I asked Rafael about the boy that competed with us in our dreams. He said demons came in levels. The weaker levels start earlier, so they get used to their powers. I think it should of been the other way round. But with age comes responsibility, I guess. But I won't say that anymore with teens. None of the teens I've met have been responsible. Anyway, so I guessed I was a higher level, along with Rafael and Cathy. Question 3's answer : I am a Aqueous. The highest level out of water demon types. There are only 3 types of water demons though. I just happen to be the strongest. Rafael said I will learn to use my powers and that I will appreciate them. I don't see anything like that in my future. "Wow, I'm now left speechless." I looked down at the floor and felt sad and exhausted. I looked back at Rafael and he felt something was wrong.

"Maybe this isn't the best place for this, shall we start walking to the river." A twitch. "Remember I know your hideout. I just don't know what your hiding from." his face broadened again. So did mine. I finally took a good look at him. It was like I was looking at a stranger. He wore Harry Potter type of glasses, a smart shirt, black trousers and had his hair down. I only just noticed this boy was the man I saw before. "Did you just go Church? This early?" And why am I asking. I asked as soon as we started walking.

"Nope. This is my casual wear. I wear a full suit for church and contacts. I prefer glasses then contacts." I was starting to think his soft tone was his normal tone.

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