Chapter 3- Wow.. These Girls...

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                               I sat on the river bank, legs in the water, leaning back. I wore a skirt today, our purple violet school skirt. My legs weren't really that fat, they were just a little chubby. I woke up early today so I could have more time in the river. I did get my beating, today it was with Fathers belt he left behind. It only lasted 5 minutes today, usually it would be double that, maybe even triple but I’m sure not complaining. The water rippled again today when I got within 2 cm, but it seemed stronger today. First I got a little scared but then I dunked my legs in. The water was nice and cool, even though it was September it was still pretty hot. I lifted my hand slowly when I noticed I had water on it. My hand was nowhere near the water. Odd? Um, yeah. I slowly lifted it and a bit of water from the river lifted to, but when I looked the water was fine. I was definite that I saw it, behind my hand, I saw it. It must of been the wind though. Convincing myself that it was the wind I carried on relaxing. It was nice today, everything started out on a positive note. I just prayed it would stay like that. After a while of silence and only the murmur of animals breaking it, I got up dried my legs and made my way to school.

                         Today, I had Geography first and Verona was in my class. I like having a friend. But I will still be in the outlines of the class. Verona isn't the ideal friend I’ve dreamed of, but she’s still a really good friend if you get to know her. Anyway, I got to school with 20 minutes to spare. I walked around the school to try and find Verona. When I did find her, she wouldn’t stop rambling on about some new guy that she has to meet. She dragged m e around the school to find him. Literally. Verona’s nuttiness made me laugh. When I laughed she got angry and would say “What are you laughing at?” with a straight face and glare that so serious it made me laugh harder. We got told to be quiet by a few teachers while searching. We rounded the school about 3 times before we thought to look in the library. When we looked in the library we saw a tall boy, lanky actually, with broad shoulders. He was tanned but I could tell that isn't his original skin tone because, no tanned person can have emerald eyes like that and brown  hair like that. He wore a black biker jacket and matching boots. Inside he wore a ‘Rolling Stones’ t-shirt. Maybe a size or 3 to big! It was up to half his thigh. The only thing out lining his body was his jacket. The Logo of his t-shirt was across his whole chest. Does he know how it looks. But actually, it fitted the bad-boy look. Maybe a size smaller would look better. His Jeans were supposed to be skinny and baggy at the same time. If you know what I mean. Where they are baggy on the lower leg and a bit tighter on the thighs (but only slightly tighter) He obviously had no intension buying his uniform. His hair was in a perfect quiff. I didn’t really like quiffs, but it suited him. Great. Brighton has got it’s self a new bad boy. The one thing I couldn’t stand was a fake. And this boy was a fake. I tore my gaze from him and looked around, all the girls had their eyes glued to him. They surrounded him. He acted as if there was no one there, only a few new friends. What a jerk, He knows he has all this attention and he makes it out as if he doesn't notice and it’s casual for him. Wow, these girls. I looked over at Verona who was standing as if frozen. I sputtered a laugh and she came back to Earth. “What happened?” She asked.

“Well this happened”-I mimicked her face-“ Because you saw that.” I pointed over at him.

“Correction. Because I saw that yummy thing” she winked at me. I laughed way to loud, it got every ones attention. I turned my face away from the crowd. I felt my face go red, so I whispered for Verona to stay and I reached for the door. I opened the door and flung myself into the corridor. I still felt the eyes of some on me, through the window of the door. I paced down the corridor until I was out of sight, when I was I started to jog to the girls toilets. Oh God I was so embarrassed. Why did I have to laugh so loud. Its like every other girl’s laugh is nice quiet and mature. Then there’s me. The Loud laugher. Which makes no  sense seen as I’m the quiet girl in class. My cheeks where still red when I was half way down the corridor. I stopped walking and rubbed my face hoping it would help. But then I remembered I’m just adding more heat to it, causing it to go brighter red. Great now I probably look like a plum. I started fanning my self with my hand. My head down of course. I didn't want any teachers to see me like this. So I started walking faster.

                          I heard soft footfalls down the corridor, to fast to be a teacher, too loud be a student. I thought it was Verona so I turned while saying “Verona, I told you to sta-” I turned fully to see a chest. A Rolling Stones t-shirt. I knew exactly who I was looking at. The Jock. The Fake. The Ladies man. The player. The new boy.

 Sorry this Chapter was abit short. All the Ideas were everywhere so it became short. My Next Chapter will be bigger. Hopefully. And readers, please tell your friends and followers about this story please... i dont have much readers. I promise to return the favour it back xxx thankz readers. LOVE YOUU...

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