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It all started when I was only 3 years old when the heartless Beast finally accepted her 'Knight In Shining Amour' has left her without a good bye.

I lay there, motionless, my tiny body limp and numb with pain. All I could do was lay there and look at the soulless She-devil herself, her glare as cold and emotionless as a black stone. I winced every time the cold belt buckle touched my small , fragile, black-and-blue body. Her wicked laugh shone two emotions in her eyes: happiness for my pain and disgust that I'm her daughter. "Mummy, please stop. I didn't do it, please mummy! What did I do?" I pleaded for her to stop but her response made it clear she wouldn't. Wouldn't even think of it until I was unconscious. She started yelling horrible things at me "...You stupid bitch....Just a mistake... Broken ... Ugly little.." I blacked in and out during her insults. I blacked out completely after that, my little body couldn't take the whipping anymore.

As I grew up I started to understand what I done, Lola hated me for one reason, the one reason that related to my father.

Every time she looked at me, she saw my dad. It brought back memories that she couldn't bare reliving, even as an thought so she took it out on me. All those sleepless nights of believing he was going to come back, all those dinners setting another place for him. All those nights of crying herself to sleep. All the days spent trying to contact him. All those Church Sundays, asking God, Jesus ,Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit for answers. It was all just too much. She wanted revenge. I was her best opportunity to do exactly that. So everyday I would face the beast, take my beating, hope that would be the last one for the day and get on with life. I learnt to live with it. I learnt to live with the drunken distorted beast that was my mother.

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