Chapter 1- The usual...

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        I woke up sweating, dizzy and half-asleep. I looked over at my clock and noticed it was 2 hours before I was supposed to wake up. BANG!! My door groaned as it if was in pain. .My head shot up off my pillow and I noticed why I woke up. That bitch. I guess she has decided it was time for my everyday beating, or The Usual I should say.

Shit !What the hell should I do, she seems angrier then any other day.

Pretend your asleep.

If I do she will bull-doze the door down!

But its worth the try, right?

Urghhh, can't I just rest for 1 day!

Well, not when you live with the devil.

OK, I will pretend to sleep.

       Yeah I know that's weird, talking to my conscience, but some times that's all I can do, speak to my inner-self.

       I buried my head into my pillow and prayed she would go away. Prayed she would get bored and leave me alone, but I knew she wouldn't. She never does.

        Before I knew it, she disappeared and I dozedback to sleep.

             The next time I woke up, it was to the sound of my alarm. I got up, took a shower and starred at myself long and hard in the mirror. My round hazel green eyes sparkled, my curly oak-brown hair fell in between below my shoulders and below my breasts. For a 15 year old I am kind of short I'm 4'13. I haven't got the to-die-for look because I'm over weight by a stone or so, I'm 10 stones. I looked at my raindrop-shaped birthmark on the back of my shoulder, it was so special, it defined me in a way where all the words couldn't explain. I looked back at the mirror and down at my legs. Most of my fare skin was covered with black-and-blue spots from last nights beating with the wooden hanger.

                In the next 20 minutes or so I done my hair  in a pony-tail at the back of my head and hair-sprayed it so my curls won't become frizzy in the humid weather of Brighton, I got dressed in my school uniform; a violet blazer, white shirt , violet trousers to cover my bruises and a pair of black Kickers. After I packed my bag and tip-toed down the stairs so I won't alert Lola and get the Usual right before I go school. To my surprise, Lola was out in the garden doing God knows what, so I grabbed an apple and sneaked out before she notice.

         I walked down my usual path from my house which lead to the river in the rainforest (Apple Bay rainforest) that skirted Brighton.  I sat down on the river bank and looked down at the water. It relaxed me. That's one of the main reasons why I take this route everyday. When I side close to water and I touch it something comes other me. I love the water, for a minute or two I forget everything outside and just sit there staring at the water. Something caught my eye in the water, as I looked closer I noticed it was a colourful flower. That's odd, there was never flowers in the river. I bend down to touch the water but before I did  the water started to ripple. Odd, right ? I moved my hand up and it stopped, seemed like every time my hand went within two centimetres of the water, it rippled, I repeated the process to check and I was right. The closer I got, the more the ripples expanded. This was just weird I must be still abit dizzy stuck in my daydreams again, I didn't care though, so I put my hand deep under the water and touched the flower. It was like the water around it formed a bubble when I touched it. I yanked it out and started to walk to school. Good bye Apple Bay river.

         Those couple of minutes with the water and relaxing were over when I noticed I had 10 minutes to go to school.  I walked on the path I made about 6 years ago and started to pace when I noticed my first class , Physics, were all the way on the other side of Westside Secondary. Today I had a busy day, Mondays are always busy for me. After Physics, I have English with Mr Jumbo, I felt sorry for him his wife passed away when his two twins where only the age of 4 and now one of this 16 year old twins was diagnosed with skin cancer. He is strong, just like I am. After English I got Further Maths with Mrs Tweener then 4th period I have PE with Miss Dymian, finally, to conclude the day I have Technology with Mr Edwards.

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