Anyway, I haven't let anyone touch me like that except Sophie. Sophie was the exception for a lot actually. I don't know why I trusted her, but I did. And I guess that counts for something, right?

I opened my bag once I was alone again. I pulled out a little pencil case. It contained my single remaining blade -that I'd removed from my blazer so that Demi didn't find it- and rag. Scanning the area again, checking I was alone, I dragged the blade across my arm. Repeating this again and again and again, I watched the blood run down my hand and drip off my fingertips and onto the grass.

I spent periods three and four, plus lunch under the tree. No one came up to me, they all sat on the benches looking up and pointing at me, gossiping.

The bell rang for registration and I made my way to form. Ignoring the comments and glares from other students, I eventually took my seat in form. We were dismissed and I headed off to music. We have a supply teacher because Demi's in the studio today.

The class spent the time throwing broken pens and pencils, rubbers and screwed up bits of paper in my direction. I even got a metal sharpener thrown at my head along with the comment, "Here, I thought you might need some new blades."

The end of the lesson came and I started to pack up my stuff. Most of the class was already empty. Looking down to the floor, I noticed the metal shine at me. I bent down slowly and picked up the cold object. Dropping it into my blazer, I grabbed my bag and left the classroom. Dodging my way through various insults and people attempting to trip and push me into lockers, I eventually made it out of school.

I spotted Jennel's car down the road and headed towards it quickly. I opened the door, and jumped in. Slamming the door behind me.

"You okay?!" she asked alarmed. I took a deep breath and replied,

"Yeah, lets go." she started the car and pulled away, making her way to Josh's school. We pulled up and he hopped in. 

"Hi Josh." Jennel greeted him smiling. "Belted up?" she asked.

"Yep" he replied, the engine started and we were off.

"How was school?" she asked us both.

"Amazing! We did football in PE today, Mr. Preston said I have a real talent for it!" he repeated excitedly.

"That's amazing Josh, maybe we can get you into it more?" Jennel replied. "What about you Nic, how was your day?"

"It was fine." I sighed; she shot me a worried look before concentrating on the road. I ignored her and stared out the window until we arrived home.

We were greeted by Demi before we even got to the door.

"Hey Nicole, Josh. How was school?" she asked smiling at us both. Josh repeated what he had already told us and I walked into the house, avoiding Demi's question.

“Nicole, can I see you for a sec please?” Demi shouted after me. I got to the top of the stairs and yelled back,

“Yeah, okay.” I headed for my room and dumped my bag, before making my way downstairs again. “What do you want?” I asked, walking into the kitchen and sitting opposite Demi and Jennel.

“I’ll leave you two to it.” Jennel said, getting up and leaving the room.

“I listened to your song today.” She said softly.


“It’s beautiful Nicole. What’s it called?”

“I hate you, don’t leave me.” I replied slowly. Why is she asking me this? It’s all written on the CD.

Bringing You Closer To MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora