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"Wake up wake up!" I sang as I shook Namjoon. I was sitting on top of him and kept pushing his shoulders until he would open his eyes.

I knew he was tired because once we arrived at the hotel last night, it was already so late so we basically knocked the fuck out.

"Ugh are you serious? Wake the hell up!" I'm an impatient girl so I resorted to opening his eyelids.

"Nggg why are you being so annoying so early in the morning?" He mumbled, grabbing my hands.

"I want us to go out. It's already 11. I'm already dressed so get moving."

He breathed out sleepily and a small smile formed on his lips when he touched the end of my white dress. "You're so pretty. You know, I love waking up to you in the morning...but next time, don't jump on me and don't be so annoying."

I scrunched my face in displeasure and got off of him. "Just hurry up and get ready."

After getting a late breakfast at an ocean-side restaurant, Namjoon and I decided to walk around the pier that was full of tourist shops. "I'm gonna get some cash in the ATM really quick." He said to me.

"Alright, I'll be right here," I spun the rack of post cards, looking for some things to bring back home while Namjoon went off.

[3rd Person]

A couple of steps away, a group of high school boys were eyeing Eunsol. Whispering amongst themselves, they were nudging each other to go approach the girl.

"Alight fine, since you guys are all a bunch of pussies, I'll go." The most confident of the four checked himself out in the store mirror before walking up to Eunsol .

"Hi excuse me."

Eunsol felt a tap on her shoulder and was met with the boy. She was surprised to see another Korean in the same location. "Hello."

"Sorry to bother you, but my friends and I were talking and you look very familiar."

"Oh um..." Eunsol stared at the boy and then looked behind him to see his friends. They looked like they could be a little older than Sanha's age, but nonetheless, she didn't recognize them, "Do I know you?"

"No but, you're YeEun, right?"

Eunsol faked a smile and noticed the boys snickering in the background. No one has called her by her stage name for the longest time. 'Oh so that's where they know me from,' Eunsol thought to herself.

Rather than letting them know it was her, Eunsol chose to just lie, "No I'm sorry, maybe you're mistaking me for someone else."

"Come on noona, it's really you." The boy just wouldn't give up.

She rolled her eyes and tried to walk away from the scene, but the boy stopped her, "Can I get a picture with you? My friend over there is a big fan."

Eunsol wanted to keep her adult acting in the past and didn't want to entertain the boys any longer. Fortunately Namjoon came back just in time.

"Hey I'm back," Namjoon's smile faltered when he saw the boy's hand on Eunsol. "Do you two know each other?"

"Yeah she's YeEun." The boy answered.

"No that's not my name." Eunsol responded hastily, "Namjoon we should go now." She dragged Namjoon along with her and walked at a fast pace which didn't stop until the two were far from the group of boys.

"Were they bothering you? What were they doing? Want me to go back and do something about it?"

"No no it's ok. I just thought it was embarrassing how they recognized me."

"It's not a problem for me to go back there. They all remind me of Jungkook and seeing four of them made me want to kick their faces so bad."

After Eunsol bought Namjoon a shaved ice, he calmed down and forgot about the situation that happened just a while ago. Finally they were able to visit the beach and take a bunch of pictures.

As Eunsol sat down on her beach towel she applied sun screen and Namjoon tried to vlog for the first time.

"Hi Eunsol-ah." He put his hand in front of the camera and waved at her while she waved back. "So where are we today?"

"We're in Hawaii!" She said enthusiastically for the camera.

Namjoon flipped the camera to selfie mode so that he could get himself in the picture too, "Are you getting ready to go in the water?"

Eunsol laughed at his first attempt to vlog and she put her chin over his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Yup. Put on some sun block too so you won't get burned."

"Put some on for me."

Eunsol glared at him, but he just calmly pointed to his torso, waiting for her to apply the lotion. She complied to his request and rubbed some onto his chest. "You have hands. You should do this yourself." She slapped some onto his skin.

"She acts like she hates me, but really, all she thinks about is getting me in bed and doing naughty things to me." Namjoon whispered to the camera.

Eunsol grabbed his wrist, almost making him drop his phone. "Shut up."

Namjoon laughed at her reaction and positioned his phone in front of them again. "Ha, you look good today. Well you look good every day. Damn, why is my girlfriend so hot." He moved his camera up and down, trying to get close up shots of Eunsol.

"Yeah, you're okay looking I guess."

"Pose cutely for the video."

Eunsol put up a peace sign in front of her face followed by other cute poses.

"Cute. Oh my god I love it. Ok now be sexy." Namjoon was getting too into his vlogging and continued to record Eunsol.

She started to play with her bikini straps and bit her lip for the camera, making Namjoon put down his phone for a bit. "Ok now you're just too erotic."

"Stop filming me." Eunsol grabbed the phone out of Namjoon's hand and placed it in his backpack. She was too impatient and didn't want to wait one more second to go into the water.

Eunsol went until the water was up to her waist and Namjoon hugged her from behind. "You really know how to turn me on."

"Aish Namjoon, delete that video you took, okay?"


"You're lame." She wiggled herself out of his arms and started splashing water on him.

"Why are you so mean to me? All I do is compliment you." Namjoon pouted, making Eunsol cringe.

"Do something worth complimenting then."

He raised his eyebrow as he thought about what to do. He tilted his head back and ran his finger through his wet hair like he was in a shampoo commercial.

"Oh damn my boyfriend is on fire. My boyfriend is so hot. Oh my god kill me."

"Thanks. Maybe next time you won't sound so sarcastic." Namjoon pulled Eunsol closer to him.

Eunsol tiptoed so that her lips were barely touching his while she whispered, "Maybe tonight you can show me how hot you really are."


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