The Feast

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Arthur's eyes immediately fall on Elena, swallowing thickly. He strides to Lord Godwyn and his father, putting on his best fake smile. "Lord Godwyn, I welcome you back to Camelot." He looks at Uther. "Father....Elena." He has to take a second to put everything together. This is where he decides. Camelot or his heart. Arthur carefully takes Elena's hand and presses a kiss to her hand.

Merlin goes over to his customary spot along the wall amongst the other servants. He finds Gaius and stands beside him silently. Gaius looks at him, pursing his lips at the look on his face but not saying a word. Merlin's too intently watching Arthur and Elena.

Arthur takes his seat between Elena and Uther, eyeing the platers of food before him. He's glad he got to give Merlin something to eat, a hungry Merlin watching him eat only makes his appetite vanish.
"You're head's got some fresh air, Arthur. I'm glad you've thought about this." Uther leans over and speaks

"You really must stop staring, Merlin." Gaius says to him eventually. "You're not being very subtle about it."
Merlin sighs, looking at Gaius.

"Subtlety wasn't my aim." His head turns as a royal guest waves his hand for a refill on his ale. He grabs a pitcher off a passing maid's platter and heads over to refill the man's drink. Merlin tries not to lean across the man as he pours, as he's been snapped at more than once by an annoyed nobleman for doing so. But due to the awkward angle he attempts to pour at, he misses the man's goblet and sloshes a bit of wine into the man's dinner platter, all over his food.
Merlin cringes, cursing himself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
His apologies are cut off when the man backhands him roughly across the face before snapping at him to freshen up his plate. His cheek stinging and eyes watering, Merlin walks away from the table, wine doused food in hand.

The goblet of wine in Arthur's hand has frozen in mid air as he witness one of the guest raising a hand on Merlin. His servant. His Merlin. His face is flushed with anger as he stands to his feet and excuses himself as he walks to Merlin. He takes his wrist and stops him. "Merlin. Are you alright?" He eyes the white prints of the man's hand on Merlin's cheek, biting his lip.

Merlin turns to look up at Arthur in surprise, blinking back his watery eyes. "Yes." He nods once, a bit touched that Arthur had gotten up to see him. "It isn't the first time." He laughs slightly, even though he doesn't find this particularly funny.

Arthur's grip on Merlin's wrist seems to unintentionally tighten, his eyes dangerously dark. "Why have you never come to me." He states rather than asking.

Merlin blinks, looking a bit confused. "It happens..." He shrugs a shoulder. "You had more important things on your mind."

"Arthur?" Uther turns and gives Arthur a questioning look. Arthur catches the look. He turns back to Merlin and closes his eyes for a moment to compose himself. "Take the plate back to the bastard, tell him it is the complementary of the Prince."

His eyes widen and he looks a bit scared, glancing down at the wine soaked food. "O...Okay...."

"I won't let him hurt you again." He nods.

Merlin hesitates, then walks back over to the nobleman, setting the plate down in front of him. "Complimentary of the Prince."
The man looks at the plate, then up at Merlin. His hand raises to strike him again. Merlin flinches. Then the man fully realized what he said and glares coldly at him, turning around and saying nothing.

By now he's sat down beside Elena and flashed her a reassuring smile. He watches Merlin, his blood rushing through his veins as he sees  the idiot raise his hand. Arthur can't help but smile and pop a grape into his mouth as he sees the nobleman withdraw his hand. "Good Merlin." He whispers to himself.

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