Protection & Warmth

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Merlin sits stiffly against the tree, cold and cramped, dark shadows beneath his eyes. Even the blanket around his shoulders hadn't done much to keep out the night chill. He blinked blearily around at the sleeping Knights, his gaze resting on Arthur. A slight smile tugs at his lips. He didn't mind pulling an all nighter if it meant Arthur didn't have to. He yawns, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Merlin..." is the first thing that spills from Arthur's trembling lips, cold sweat on his forehead that damps his hair. The darkness. It can't be. Why is it so dark? The sky lies. He's brought Merlin here, to danger.
"Merlin..." He clutches the sword in his hand.

Merlin starts, hearing his name. He sits up, looking around in confusion. Who would be calling him at this early hour? His eyes settle on Arthur, and worry floods them. He's clutching his sword and whispering his name. He quickly rises to his feet, ignoring the protests of his stiff joints. He kneels on the ground beside Arthur, resting a hand on his arm.
"Arthur..." He whispers quietly, not wanting to wake any of the other Knights.

Arthur sees his father, shouting. What follows is death. The gathering of those who practice sorcery all to be burned at the stake. Amongst them is a man and woman. Tied to the stake, their hands tangled with each other. Tears run down their wrinkled faces as they try to smile sadly at the little boy who stands wide eyed in the crowd. The moment the boy screams and runs to his parents, that's when the fire lights. Fire burning the live bodies. The audience cover their noses from the horrid smell of the flesh being burned. In a quick flash, he sees the boy's face catching on fire as the guards throw him back in the crowd. In that moment, all the the agonizing screams stop. All freeze but the sizzling flames of the fire. Arthur stands in the crowd, somehow finding himself there. He looks around and when his eyes set on the fire he sees her. He sees a woman, her flesh burned and her bones viable. She stares right at Arthur, her eyes dangerous.

The woman's mouth stays still when Arthur hears her speak words that makes the hair raise on his arms.

Merlin's eyes widen as he watches Arthur grip his arm, watches the torment across his face. His stomach twists and he gives Arthur's arm a shake. "Arthur." He says, louder this time. He doesn't care any more whether he wakes the Knights. All he cares about is waking Arthur up so he doesn't have to suffer any more. He hates seeing Arthur like this. In anguish. It does things to him, it makes him wish he could take all the pain away from him just so he wouldn't have to see him hurting. "Arthur."

Arthur's eyes snap open and he bolts up, still clutching Merlin's arm. His breathing is heavy, gasping for air.

He jumps slightly, his eyes wide and worried. He keeps his hand on Arthur's arm, concern flooding his features. "Arthur..."

He's holding on to Merlin like he will fall apart without Merlin's touch. He wants to bury his face in his stupid chest and forget about that dream all together but he can't. He looks at Merlin, trying to all his breathing so he won't wake up the Knights.

Merlin's eyes search his face, wordlessly asking if he was alright without speaking aloud.

Arthur swallows, his mouth dry. That woman's face, it made him cold to the bone. "Merlin..." He breaths out, trying to compose himself. It's been a while since he's had a nightmare and he doesn't know how to react.

He automatically withdraws his hand before Arthur can shove it away. "You said my name..." He says quietly. "During your nightmare. What was it about?"

His eyes look like he's seen horror just now. "Did I?" He licks his lip now it had began to bleed again from the bite he gave it during his nightmare. "Nothing important. It's fine, Merlin."

Even though he didn't really expect Arthur to tell him, he felt a bit disappointed. "Right." He rises stiffly to his feet, heading off deeper into the woods to get more wood to get the fire going again.

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