Sleeping Beauty

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After a few minutes, Arthur seems to be relaxed and sleeping in Merlin's arms.

Only now, with Arthur safe in his arms, does the gravity of what he'd done sink in. He'd killed a woman...a sorceress...his kin. 'Your destiny is doomed, Emrys.' Her voice rings out in his head, sending shivers down his spine. Try as he might he can't stop his hands from shaking.

"Ready the horses." He says to the Knights, still holding Arthur. "We need to go back to Camelot."

Arthur feels a pair of arms around him, securing him with their warmth. He leans into it, his hand slowly coming to their shirt to hold it. His breathing becomes heavy, his memories coming back to him. The force, cutting off his oxygen. The sorceress, her appearance, her words.

He looks down at Arthur when he starts breathing heavier. His forehead crinkles in worry, seeing how his hand clutches his shirt. One of his hands brushes down the collar of Arthur's shirt slightly to check on his neck. He winces in sympathy; Arthur's neck was painfully red from where his oxygen had been cut off. He bites his lip, brushing his fingertips lightly over the skin of his neck.

Arthur's eyes slowly open and set on Merlin's face. He stares at him, having a hard to time to keep them open. He grunts lightly, his hands now just resting against Merlin's chest. "M-Merlin..." He breaths out.

His eyes widen in surprise and his shoulders slump in relief. "I'm here." A half smile touches his lips briefly, his eyes traveling along the length of his face. "How are you feeling?" He asks quietly, his voice concerned

Arthur looks around his surroundings, breaking into rough coughs. "How am I alive-..." His eyes widen, "Did you kiss me?" He looks at Merlin strangely.

He blinks, staring at him. "What? No. No!" A bit of his worry has left his face. It seems as though Arthur will be back to his normal dollophead self in no time. He releases his hold on him a bit, helping him to sit up. "Why would I kiss you?" He frowns at him.

Arthur slowly sits up, his hand withdrawing from Merlin and coming to rub at his neck. "Isn't that how It goes in the stories." He makes a face as the skin under his fingers burn. "though you're no-" he grunts as he tries to get to his feet. "Prince."

He rolls his eyes, taking his arm and standing, helping him to his feet. "I didn't know you could read, Arthur." He tries his best to use humor to push off the question that was undoubtedly going to pop up at some point. How could he explain that he'd killed the sorceress?

Arthur squints briefly, looking around. "Shut up, Merlin." He give him a light smile. "Where is she? Where did she go?"

He inwardly curses himself. It seemed as though he'd jinxed himself. "I...." He wets his lower lip, suddenly overcome with guilt, even though the woman had tried to kill Arthur. He takes a breath, looking down at the ground. "Gone. She's gone." He clears his throat, working up the courage to tell Arthur. "I killed her."

Arthur turns around, his eyes widened. "Gone?! Killed her?" He shakes his head, irritated. "Now's not the time to try to play the hero, Merlin. Really, what happened?"

He raises his eyes to meet Arthur's, his face and voice completely serious. "I killed her." He repeats, guilt in his eyes. "She wouldn't let you go... I.... I had to do something... I couldn't just stand there and watch..."

"Is that so then? And how exactly did you kill her?" Arthur scoffs, attempting to give out a fake chuckle that only results in coughing.

Wordlessly he holds up both of his hands, not the ghost of a laugh on his face.

Arthur stares at Merlin and raises an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting that you killed the powerful sorceress with your bare hands?"

He looks him straight in the eye, nods once. "She was focused on killing you. While her magic was being used on you, she couldn't hurt me. Her magic could only be used on one thing at a time." He lowers his hands, though he keeps them away from his sides, like they're contaminated now.

Arthur eyes his Knights returning with the horses as he walks to Merlin, his expression now serious. "Do you understand that I must report this to my father the moment we reach the castle?"

He nods slowly, a feeling of dread settling in his stomach. Uther would be happy, wouldn't he? He'd be happy that the world was with one less sorceress... He wouldn't punish Merlin, would he? "I...understand."

"You will be questioned. I hardly believe my father will never mind your claim of killing a powerful sorceress with your bare hands." He frowns. "There comes a limit to my powers when it comes to protecting you, Merlin." He speaks quietly.

Arthur's words only make the fear twisting his stomach worse, but he stands firmly. "I had to protect you. I'll take whatever consequences the King deems fit." His words are brave; contrary to how he's feeling inside.

"You had us worried, sire. Glad you're on your feet already." Leon comes behind Arthur, dragging Arthur's horse behind.

Arthur takes the reins, his eyes still set on Merlin. "Gather everyone. It's best that we ride to the castle now. These woods cannot be trusted." He climbed up on his horse with difficulty.

He turns and quickly goes to his horse, gathering up his belongings in his bag on the way. He mounts his horse, feeling sick with guilt and fear. He wants nothing more than to leave this horrid woods.

He rides back to Arthur's horse, the Knights already mounted and prepared to leave. He doesn't look at anyone...he feels too sick. All he can stare at are his hands. His hands that grasped the woman's neck, squeezed it...
Arthur holds up a hand and slowly turns his horse, looks at his Knights and his Merlin. "We ride at the fastest speed." He turns and his horse his breaks into a furious gallop.
He nudges his horse into action, breaking into a quick run after Arthur's horse.

All of the Knights horses outrace his, and before long he's in the back of the group. Not that he minds. That just means he'll have more time to think about what he just did and what Uther's reaction might be.
Arthur's far too busy trying to sort out what he will say to his father to notice that Merlin is not close by. He will want to hear every detail the moment he mentions sorcery.His stomach churns at the thought of what Gaius would say to him when they were alone. He wouldn't approve...Merlin knew he wouldn't. Would that make Gaius think less of him? He feels depressed at this thought. Gaius was like a father to him, the father he'd never had. He didn't want to disappoint him, but deep within his heart, he knows he already has.

A/N: Hello! That was feelsy even after I was re-reading it. Do you lot have any questions? MightBeMagic and I will answer them :)

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