Chapter 2

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          I close the door behind me and walk weakly towards my bed. I can’t believe how much I longed for it when I felt nauseous moments ago. I sit down and prepare myself to lie down when I hear a knock on my door.

                I grunt with annoyance but say, “Who’s there?”

                “It’s Nathan.”

                I remain silent but I know he won’t go away unless I say something. “Uh, do you want to come in?”

                “If it’s okay.”

                “Go ahead.”

                The door opens and he enters. I face the ground, not exactly sure why. Having noticed by someone else along the hallways with a sick face was embarrassing enough for me. He sits down beside me.

                He clears his throat. “How did it go a while ago?”

                “I, uh, had fun but short moments with them. We actually went to the diner which was packed.”

                He nods, “That’s good to hear.”

                “Did you talk to them?”

                “Not really. After you rushed out in front of everyone else, I told them you’re feeling better.”

                I smile. “They believed your lie?”

                He looks at me, “It wasn’t a lie. How could you move five meters away within tenth of a second when you aren’t okay?”

                “I needed to.” We both fall silent. I think he is up to something. Nobody comes in my room and ask me questions without a purpose in mind. “Are you planning to go out?”

                He stares at the door. I know I asked a wrong question. But he answers, “I don’t think I can. No one would pull me out, you know.”

                Of course, how could I forget and be so tactless? Nathan has no parents anymore. He was founded by a police officer as a baby by the sidewalk when his parents were massacred. This unfortunate fate of his has a price. He is naturally brilliant and with this, the police officer who adopted him offered to help him until he finished his education. His stepfather died years ago because of complications. And here he is now, a warrior always fresh from the battle that he faces everyday. He never shows bereavement or does longing for his parents’ presence but even the best fall down sometimes.

                “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have even asked.”

                “Don’t be.” He sighs and changes the topic. “May I know what triggered you to feel uneasy?”

                I look at him, “How do you even know something triggered it?”

                He seems bewildered but expected it, “A lucky guess.”

                I grip his brawny arms. “Did you experience it before?”

                “Yes. Try not to break my ulna.”

                I release his arm. “I would never break you.”

                He chuckles. “Right.”

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