| Twins | Yoonkook

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[Yoongi's POV]

"For as long as I can remember, I've always been by Jungkook's side. Ever since childhood, we've been together. He was 11 at the time but I was 13. Yet, whenever he needed me, I was there. No matter the age gap. When his mother would leave and sometimes not come back for the nights, I was there, to cuddle him on his spiderman blankets, as he cried from neglect, or when kids around the neighborhood called him 'Weird'. Jungkook would then run down the block, arrive at my front door and shout as loud as his little lungs could. 'I need my Hyung!'."

"As the years went by,  Jungkook's mom would disappear more often which caused him to become more vulnerable. He would call me in the middle of the night, just to tell him that suicide wasn't an option. I never responded to that statement. I simply got dressed and rush over to his home and banged until he opens the door. His dark brown orbs would stare into mine and I would observe his red face, I could easily tell he was crying, which would make me and him both feel better when I'd take him back upstairs and snuggle into his bed, whispering sweet nothings and leaving gentle earlobe kisses until he fell asleep. "

"At age 17, the feelings for Jungkook kept rising. I was a junior in high school and he was a freshmen which made us miss each other all the time. But it all changed around the time of last summer, I kissed Jungkook and he kissed back. It was exciting and new. I didn't want it to stop, but I didn't want to freak him out. He was so fragile, that anything could break him. But after that somehow meaningful kiss, we started hooking up. Jungkook would invite me over more and more as the summer faded away. We would play video games, eat, go upstairs and kiss. At the end of every intense make out,  I would stare at him, begging for him to say he had some kind of feelings for me. But he never did. It was just too painful but I always regretted making up an excuse to leave that day, just so I could escape it. We haven't talked for the rest of the summer."

"The school year began and it's finally my senior year. I would glance and pass Jungkook in the halls. I yearn to speak to him but what's the point? He'll find a girl and realize him getting attached to a glorified babysitter was childish and a mistake. All my life, I was thinking, Jungkook needed me but in the end. I needed him. "

"At age 18, it was the day before my birthday and senior prom was a blink of an eye away. Jungkook and I still haven't talked. His mother hasn't been home for a while. Rumors say she left Jungkook in that big house and ran away with a man. It was sadly true. But then, 2 weeks after that, I remember, there was a raging party at Jungkook's house. There were cars lined up around the cul-de-sac and pretty much every damn adult and teen was there. I couldn't help my curiosity back then, I snuck out and went. I had to make sure my Jungkook was okay."

"It was the only party I've been to and the only party I've every crashed but finding Jungkook was my mission at the time. It was in the basement where I found Jungkook playing Mortal Kombat in Footie Pajamas. Sitting down beside him, he paused the game, looked at me and rested his head on my shoulder. The words parting his lips, I'll never forget them. Jungkook spoke to me after a year. 'I need my Hyung'."

"I always thought me and Jungkook were inseparable until we became seperable. In that turn of events, I've learned that I cannot live without Jungkook. Because for as long as I can remember, we've been together. And for as long as I could remember it's been 30 years since that cry for help in Jungkook's basement. And even after that, the feelings I've been yearning for have been returned. I couldn't be more happier to say that for as long as I can remember, we've been twins."

-- Forever together. Mr. & Mr. Min.

Okay so. I tried to portray a little Journal/Diary entry of Min Yoongi writing out his life before He and Jungkook were together.

For anyone confused--Yoongi and Jungkook are married now. It's been 30 years. Yoongi is writing the way he felt about Jungkook and how it all occurred in his point of view sorta way. If your still confused, I'll explain just ask. THANKS,, ENJOY! ❤️💕

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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