Athenaeum AU - Frost Part 5

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It was actually Friday the 13th and as a sort of tradition in the RetBan family, they must watch nothing but Horror or Thriller Movies once everyone is back home and just in time for dinner before they go to sleep.

Weirdly enough, Jyka thought up of this suggestion, and she had a lot of support from Thea and the others who liked Horror just as much.

So there they all were, gathered in the living room, the lights off and the movie entitled "The Eye" playing on their flatscreen TV. Sidney was cowering behind Thea, who had a pokerface since the movie didn't seem to impress her.

Niña was fairly scared, jumping every now and then when she had to. Sheldon and Kevin were... Quiet. So quiet one would think they just weren't interested. Kang was eating, which probably distracted him from the movie. And of course, the couple that made-up midday were sitting so close together on the navy blue sofa Jyka loved so much it made Kate, who was the closest to them, feel uncomfortable.

The others, Kyanna, Ciara, Yuki, Jaimee, Chabs, Gianne and Abby decided to pass and went upstairs to play card games, and if someone loses, they have to go downstairs to watch the movie.

As for Jack? Jyka actually pushed Efren to invite him to join their Horror-Thriller Movie Marathon as a sort of truce. It was still awkward between the two boys, but he went to invite him. Efren then came back saying that Jack said "Maybe."

At least he tried.

Anyway, the movie was now in the elevator scene. There was the suspense the thrill it was meant for, causing Sidney to hug Thea, Thea leaning forward, Niña silently cursing under her breath as she fidgeted in her seat and Jyka pressing her body further against Efren's and using his arm to block her view of the screen.

The other's were plainly curious to see what happens next. Except for Kang who was curious about whether mixing these two sandwiches would be good or not.

The atmosphere was getting intense, most of them were at the edge of their seats, and then--



The people upstairs jumped and turned their heads towards the door upon hearing the sound of the other's screaming. It was really loud, the neighbors might have heard.

"What the...?" Gianne muttered.

"Oh god, dudes... They must be watching something really scary." Ciara supplied.

"Dang. Maybe we should watch. Judging by their screams, it's probably a good movie--"

They heard Kyanna gasp "Yuki! Cheater!" She whined, slapping Yuki's shoulder who was grinning and holding up a peace sign. Apparently, he tried looking at Kyanna's cards while she was distracted. "Sorry sorry!~"


"Wow. Am I that scary?" Said the one and only Jack Frost who was standing behind the navy blue couch the couple was occupying.

"What the heck, Jack?!" Said Thea, who wasn't wavered, but was upset that she got distracted.

"You surprised us!" Said Sidney, pointing an accusing finger at him.

Jack held up his hands "Sorry, sorry..." He muttered, but he didn't seem to be sorry judging by that smirk on his face.

"Did you change your mind?" Jyka piped up, craning her neck just to look at him. "Have you come to join us?"

Jack shrugged "Maybe..." He said before scratching the back of his head "...Is there room for one more?"

"Duh, there is! Go sit beside twinny!"

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