RB NS Fic/Ideas - Chapter 2 (?)

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And here we have: a probable Chapter 2 for the Neo Skies/High story!

This is still written by HebiNeko XD (Pretty much speed narrated)


The students stand by at the bus stop.

The old Neo Skies students treat each other with familiarity while the new students that are going to their new special school along with the acquaintances sit quietly while staring at the other strangers who seem to be in the same situation as they are in.

The students notice that it's nearly deadly late when the bus arrived, so the students on the bus stop all clamored to get inside. They sat next to the windows and at the back, leaving several to live with sitting in the boring seats of the bus

The bus soon accelerates at an empty, unfinished road, causing the students to panic and call the driver, Kuya Dodong, a madman, to which he responds with a small chuckle along with the words "Pffftt... Freshmen."

And soon the Sonic Boom happens and before they know it, they're at the dormitories of Neo High.

Kuya Dodong says the usual guidelines he gives to the freshmen every year and say that they stay in the dorms but can return home on the weekends or when they have teleportation or flight

He explains the mechanics of the dorms and that they live on the first floor (sophomores occupy the second, juniors occupy the third, seniors occupy the fourth and the teacher dormitories are in separate buildings) also, there are two student dorms, for men and women, but they are generally close enough to jump the distance.

Then he introduces himself as the one of the people who are responsible with taking them to the campus (which is big, but still okay since here are just a few students lol)

Afterwards, the young students get assigned to their individual dorms ((one room per student))


Aaaaaand that signals the end of this (sort of) chapter. XD

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