RB NS Fic/Ideas - Prologue/Chapter 1 (?)

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Power updates! Yey! XD

Nina: Electrical Current Manipulation; Speed

Mica: Telepathy; Visual Manipulation

Aaaand that's it for now XD Okay allow me to explain their limits.

Nina can control and gather electronic energy from computers, microwaves, as long as there is wavelengths of energy/electricity radiating from it. In fact, the energy she gets, literally becomes her energy source. She'd get tired if she goes "low battery" and would have to "recharge". She is also pretty much a walking tazer. As for her speed, she can only use if it she has enough energy.

As for Mica, using her telepathic powers, it comes with her Visual Manipulation. That means she can let others see what she wants them to see. It can be a memory, a certain image or even a video she recently watched. Obviously this also means she has good memory. But her limit is that she can only share thoughts with one person at a time.

Okay now that that's out of the way.. Here we go with the random scene and the probable chapter 1! Btw this scene is originally thought up/written by HebiNeko :3.



Oh, you're finally awake, Ciara~ I made your favorite...


The man handed the plate of pancakes to his son and smiled. "So, how are ya feelin, sport? You ready for your day at school?


"Fine, I guess." Sidney answered while stuffing her mouth with oreos.


"First day? It's going to be a disaster!" Kevin exclaimed as he grabbed his bag before leaving the house.


"Oh really? I'm sure it'll be fun for you, Kyanna."


"Hah, I doubt that..." Niña answered with enough sarcasm to sass anyone.


"Come on, eat up~ You don't want to be late for school, right, Thea?"


Jaimee went to grab another piece of toast from the plate, only to be stopped when her father pulled the platter of goodness away while proclaiming, "You shouldn't feed her too much, Donna! She might end up puking on the bus!"


"Oh, Mica, don't forget your bag!"


"Oh, sorry, dad! Thanks for reminding me~~" Abby chimed as she went back to grab her bag.


"Is your stuff all there, Kate?"


"Yeah." Joan replied before rushing out the door.


"Katharine! You forgot your wallet!"


"Ah, salamat, ma.." Chabelita said as she grabbed the celphone from her mother's hands.


The sun shined brightly upon the vibrant city of Avadao (God I am so sorry XD I ran out of ideas XDD). It was just another regular day, with adults, employees, students and children filling the streets as they rush to their destination; a rather peaceful scene despite the bustling crowd of people and cars as they passed the bus stop that was built for "special" pupils. Yet all these people were oblivious to something that threatened this peace.


"Ciara! Make sure you remember to pick up your brother before you leave!"


"Yeah, yeah, mom. I'll get to that later..." Sidney nonchalantly replied as she slung her bag around her shoulder.


"Kevin, do you remember why this day is important?"


"Duh! I'm not that stupid, dad." Kyanna spat as she threw her books in her bag.


"Just be careful, Niña..."


Thea looked back at her parents and scowled. "Don't need to tell me twice."


"I know, Jaimee... It's just that, your father and brother... I can't..."


"I'll be fine, dad." Mica whispered as she walked out of the house.


Abigail took a piece of toast from the plate and forced a smile, "I've been training for this my whole life after all..."


Kate looked at her parents, nearly glaring at them. "You don't have to worry."


"Joan... It's not that we think you're too weak for this..." Her mother said while placing her hand on her shoulder.


"... We just want to make sure that you know how much this means to you, your school... This whole world." Kat's father said in a monotone as he handed her the documents.


"I know, dad." Chabelita muttered.


"I'm meeting up with some friends at the school..." Ciara droned.


"And we... We'll surely..."


"We will surely succeed in our mission." The teens said in unison as they headed towards the school.


Did you guys all understand what happened here? XD These are like.. chopped scenes mashed together like a montage XD.

and yep, this is the prologue. For once, I am not in it XD I only changed the city name.. XDD ahahah ghad that city name.. anyway yeah! Hope this was good! XD

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