Athenaeum AU - Frost Part 2

46 4 15

Jack Frost kept his word and ceased tampering with the weather of the town of Vao. The usual, sunny-cloudy sky has returned, and the rest of the people in town will never know or understand why the weather has been so odd.

All except for the RetBans of course. The three girls; Jaimee, Niña and Jyka explained to the rest of them of their situation and their new housemate. Everyone understood, and most of them were fine with the idea... Most of them.

They had learned that Jack obviously wasn't your normal type of "different". He can control not only ice and frost, but wind and-or gravity as well, seeing that he could fly.

It has been three days since Jack was welcomed to their home. He hasn't been that social with everyone really, since it was rather awkward.

As for meal times, he just grabs whatever he wants from the fridge, which sort of annoyed some of the RetBan, before heading back up to his room which was in the attic. It wasn't a hassle for him since he could just fly up there.

And apparently, windows are his preferred doors.

Now anyway, today was a normal day. Each of the RetBan were doing their own thing in the morning.

Meanwhile, Jack flied into the confusing room of a kitchen-dining room because there was a long enough table and a few chairs, where a few of the RetBans were having breakfast.

He had a mischievous smirk plastered on his face as he floated into the room.

Everyone at the table turned to look at him with surprised looks on their faces.

Ciara practically choked on whatever she was eating as he entered the room. Sidney stopped chewing, a blush lightly forming on her cheeks, and Yuki scoffed as if holding back laughter, an amused smirk on his face as he chewed on his food.

Jack glanced at each of them and raised an eyebrow at their reactions. "Hey. How's it goin'?" He said anyway as he floated towards the fridge, opened it up and pulled out an orange juice carton and drank straight from it.

At that moment, he heard chairs moving and footsteps going out of the room. He paid it no heed.

Guess some people have too many issues... He thought with a slight eye roll as he continued to drink from the carton until half of the juice was left.

"Ahh.." He sighed, satisfied as he proceeded to close the carton.

At that moment, there was a loud scream that filled the whole house coming from upstairs. It sounded like a woman getting murdered. Then it was followed by "FROOOOOST!!!"

For a second, Jack jumped in surprise. But then that was replaced by a grin upon remembering what he did earlier.

A few moments later, he heard stomping from upstairs and gradually getting louder as they approached him. The footsteps sounded wet and they descended the steps and the tiles as the figure entered the room.

It was Thea, with her hair wet an her body covered in a black bathrobe with pink spots. She looked rather.. Upset. "You b*tch! What the heck did you do to the f*cking water?!" She practically yelled at him, eyes flaring.

Jack was slightly disappointed that it was Thea, but he smirked "What are you talking about?" He asked in a faux innocent tone.

"You know what the f*ck I'm talking about! You f--" she trailed off when she actually looked at him this time. Her jaw dropped slightly, and a blush appeared on her face.

Jack raised an eyebrow at this. What's with the people here today?

Thea closed her eyes and took a deep breath before saying "Why... the f*ck... don't you have a shirt on?"

The boy glanced down at himself, and only then did he realize that he was shirtless, his pale and chiseled body all over the place.

Oh, maybe that was why everyone was acting weird a while ago. He really didn't notice he was still shirtless. Probably because the cold never really bothered him, considering he was an ice kind of guy.

He shrugged.

Thea sighed, shaking her head slightly before looking away "Just- bring the water back to normal will you?"

"Ah, you see, that's the problem." Jack crossed his arms as he leaned against the counter "I can't do that just yet."

Thea glared at him "Why?"

"That cold shower was meant for someone else, you know."

"Who?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

As an answer, yet another scream came from upstairs "It's too COOOOOOOOLD!" It said.

Jack smirked as he glanced at the ceiling, recognizing that voice "Got her." He muttered in a mischievous tone.

Thea, upon realizing who it was that screamed, casted yet another glare at Jack "What the f*ck do have against Jyka?"

Jack shook his head, the smirk still on his face "Secret."

She scoffed "You don't do that to her. In fact, I guess I got another rule for you. Those rules that Jaimee and Niña gave you? They were child's play."

"What about Jyka's rules? They're kinda sappy ri-" Jack was cut off.

"Rule Number Five: no playing of pranks or tricks on any of us. Especially if it's using your abilities." Thea said firmly.

Jack rolled his eyes "Or what, Spots?" He taunted, commenting on her bathrobe.

An audible growl came from the back of Thea's throat as she leaned forward, and lowered her voice into a threatening whisper "Or else I am gonna beat the sh*t out of you. You don't trip my friends, or me. Got that?"

Yeah. Very threatening. Jack thought "Pff.. Whatever you say, Spots."

"It's Thea."

"Whatever." Said Jack, pushing himself off the counter and reaching towards the fridge, pulling out the orange juice carton again and repeated his ways of drinking from the container.

Thea had a scowl on her face, but decided not to say anything about it and groaned before leaving the room.


Jyka practically ran out of the bathroom, her teeth chattering, and with only a towel around her body because she didn't own a bathrobe "Cold cold cold cold cold..!!!"

At that moment, Thea walked up the stairs to greet her "Hey, are you okay Jy?"

"Y-yeah.. Kinda. That was so frickin' cold, what the hell--"

"Frost's doing." Thea sighed out. "It was really meant for you, he said. But didn't you hear me scream a while ago? I'd think that was a warning not to go into the bathroom..."

"I.. Didn't know it came from the bathroom." She replied, rubbing her arms to warm herself up.

"Right." The other girl patted her shoulder "Don't worry, Jack will bring it back to it's normal temperature in a moment. You can have a shower first, okay?"

Jyka nodded, somewhat gratefully "Yeah.. Okay, thanks..." She mumbled, before her expression gradually became more of a scowl "What's Jack's problem against me anyway?"

"I have no idea. I asked him as well, he said it was a secret." Thea shrugged.

"That prick... I did nothing to him, I swear. But if this goes on, either I just might do something or--"

"Or I will." Thea grinned.

This made Jyka laugh a little "Yeah, or you will. And you know... My bae."

For a moment, Thea almost shuddered in disgust "Er... Speaking of, when's he coming back?"

"Probably later tonight, he told me. Can't wait to see him, honestly." Jyka sighed out.

"Oh, okay then."

"Water is fine now!" Jack's voice boomed from downstairs.

"Hallelujah." Jyka praised, before going back into the bathroom.

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