"Looks like no one's home. Let's break in. We'll burn this house along with his body afterwards," Colton said.

Guilt bubbled inside Violet. Even though she wasn't the one doing anything, she was involved. It took three kicks to knock the door down and they filed in. Someone found the light switch and turned it on. The house looked like a regular home to her. At the entrance, there was a picture of three people. Her heart sank when she saw the man in the photo along with two other females and the yellow dog. The man they carried was placed down in the middle of a green rug.

"This place is old," Colette said standing with Violet right by her side.

Once they set the man down, Colton got out his dagger. "Everyone ready?" They nodded. Slowly, he lifted the blade. As Violet observed it, her stomach turned.

There was a loud shriek. In the corner of her eye, she saw a girl. It took a while before Violet recognized her as the young girl in the photo. She looked around their age and had just entered the room.

"I'm calling the cops," the girl yelled and ran into the halls.

In a split second, Aiden pulled her back. His hands were now around her neck. "Calm down," he said. She continued to yell for help, kicking and hitting at him. Frustrated, he looked at Violet straight in the eye. Watch closely. She remembered his words. He roughly pushed the girl's hair back and revealed her neck.

Colton immediately stopped him and yanked the girl's arm, leading her away from Aiden. "What are you doing?" He stared at Aiden intensely.

"What else am I doing?"

"You're taking your anger out on her," Colton said.

Aiden grunted. "She's going to die either way. Does it even matter?"

Colton was still staring. "We don't do things like that."

He scoffed. "Talk for yourself. You're the one who can't control your anger."

"What and you can?" Now, Colton was mad. "Do you really think this will help? Take a look at yourself. We all know what happened last time." Aiden looked at the girl and then at Colton. "I know you've been upset, but this isn't what we do. You'll regret it if you kill her," Colton said. The whole room was silent except for the girl's cries.

"Maybe you no longer know what I want. Maybe I don't care anymore." There was a pause. "Maybe I just want to stop trying. I'm fucking tired of all this. You think that tranquilizing bodies and decreasing their pain makes it less evil?" He scoffed again. "It just wastes time if you ask me."

"We're all tired. Do you think it's just you?" asked Colton. He shook his head. "We agreed on one person for all of us. I'm not letting you kill more than necessary."

"We're starving out here Colton. One person isn't enough. I'm on the brink of losing my mind," Aiden mumbled.

"You're only acting this way because you're feeling shitty. You need to suck it up and move on!" Colton yelled.

There was a small silence before Riley spoke up. "If it was what I said, I'm sorry." Violet stepped back. It was obvious Riley spoke at the wrong time.

Aiden shot a glare at her. "And you think I'd forgive you? You think your apology will make everything better?" Aiden's rage was slowly intensifying.

She sighed. "Aiden, please. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to mention her in the car, I-" That was when he snapped. All of his rage was pouring out in that exact moment.

He stepped closer to her and pinned her against the wall. Hands on her neck, he pulled her head back and slammed it against the wood wall, forming a huge crack. She went unconscious and fell, blood seeping out of her head. Everyone just stood and stared in terror. His eyes darkened and Violet froze when they landed on hers once again. "And you. You want to get used to what we do? I'll show you what we do." He rapidly pulled the girl from Colton's arms. Colton didn't have time to take action because Aiden's sharp teeth had already pierced the girl's neck. She was wriggling to escape, but her movements began to slow down. Violet watched the graphic scene with wide eyes. A large amount of blood was steadily flowing  to the floor. Tears ran down the girl's face and then she was no longer moving. He was draining her blood so viciously that Violet felt nauseous. Tearing her eyes off of them, she looked at everyone else. Colton was turned away; his eyes held a deep shade of red. Across from him, Colette was trying to pull at Delsin whose eyes were also red, aiming at the man's body on the floor.

"Delsin stop!" Colette pleaded.

He escaped her grip, still facing the man on the floor. "I c-can't fight it," he said. He pushed the head back as his teeth sunk into the man's neck. Violet stood in front of Aiden and Delsin, watching the blood trickling down their chins and onto the floor. She didn't want to be there anymore. Tears formed in her eyes as she stormed out. It was too much. Violet had just witnessed two murders with her very own eyes. That man had a family and the daughter was still so young. She wiped her tears but they kept falling. Why did she agree to come along?

Shortly after, the front door opened. Violet watched Colette appear at the door carrying a concerned expression. Some relief washed over her. Colette began walking towards Violet but then stopped suddenly. Her eyes were fixed on something.

"What?" Violet whispered in between her tears. She was surprised she could still speak.

Colette looked at Violet and with warning, she whispered, "Behind you. Move!"

Violet's eyes widened. Without looking back, she stood still. What was it? Who was it? There was a loud yell from behind and she turned around in alarm. A lady was running at her with a giant branch from only a few inches away. With panic, her eyes closed as she screamed and threw her hands out as a shield. The yelling abruptly stopped.

Colette gasped. Shaking, Violet slowly opened her eyes. To her horror, blood was dripping from her hands and a sobbing woman stood before her. She recognized the lady from the family photo in the house but strangely, the woman had stopped moving and was making odd noises. She dropped the stick in her hands with a thud, causing Violet to look down. "Oh my god." In her hand was the knife she had been holding onto the entire time. Her shaky fingers pulled the knife out and the lady collapsed to the ground. It took only a second before she realized the woman was dead. Violet dropped to the floor and began panicking, hand cupped over her mouth. 

Footsteps were approaching but she was too distracted to care. "What's going on?" Colton's voice suddenly appeared. It was silent as he glanced at the dead body, the knife, and Violet's bloody hands before he rushed to her side. "Violet." He gently shook her. "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here." His voice was distant in her thoughts. "Violet," he called out, but she didn't answer and continued shaking. He put her in an embrace like he used to whenever she was upset. "It's okay," he repeated. "It's okay."

It wasn't okay. She just killed the mother of a family.

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