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The smell of people frying food that they actually plan to digest first thing in the morning is, in my opinion, absolutely revolting!

Luckily for me my flat mate feels exactly the same, not so lucky for either of us is the fact that we live above a greasy spoon.
This most disgusting smell assaults my nostrils every morning, although technically for me and Roxy it's our night, on account of the fact that we've just stumbled in from what we call work, others might say it's not a job!
I guess they could well be right, for if you love what you do, to my mind, it's more of a hobby. Only we get paid handsomely. Just as well as the rent even for a small place like this is pretty extortionate, but that's city living I guess!

The landlord, Jack, is your typical type of guy to my mind, believing it's a man's world, still stuck in the mindset that woman are beneath them! But then again I think that of most men.
This attitude I have towards men could possibly have something to do with the string of toy boys my mother had, many of which seemed more interested in me, seeing as a large portion of her time with them she spent in a comatose state! But then again, my job could also a tribute towards my distant for men!

Jack thinks it's perfectly acceptable to let himself in to our flat every Monday morning for payment of rent, despite this, he's quite relaxed when it comes to what we do with the place. The view from our kitchen window is brick work, not pretty! So in an effort to cheer it up, Roxy had painted the whole room (even the cupboard doors) yellow before I moved in, she says she got the idea from a book she had read! I hate yellow!

Anyway, my nose doesn't have time to register the stench this morning, I think I've passed out from the effects of alcohol before I even fall to my bed still fully clothed!

I wake in the early evening, fling the covers back and clamber out of bed. I'm holding my head as I walk into the kitchen "What the hell happened last night? I feel like shit!"
It's seven pm. Roxy is sat at the tiny breakfast table, she looks up at me with that "told you so" look I so often get from her.
"Si happened" she says.

"Oh crap" last night's events play back in slow motion as I set about my morning ritual, coffee, three sugars, no milk.

"Alex, let me refresh your memory for you. We had plans! you were supposed to wait for me to finish my set, then we were gonna head to that new bar that opened last weekend, it's been almost two weeks since we went out out!"
Out out, that's the term we use when we need a good blow out, because technical we go out every night!

Well now I feel like a bitch!
"I'll make it up to you Rox, I promise"

She smiles at me from across the table.
"Hell yeah you will, we're going tonight instead! And the first round is on you, oh and by the way Max is coming"
That smile, I can't refuse her, those bloody dimples are like some kinda spell! "sounds like it's all sorted then" I say as I make my way to the bathroom.

Can't very well say no after ditching her for Si.
Uncle Si is the only family I have, he owns a tattoo shop not far from here.
After mummy dearest passed away he's felt like it's his duty to watch out for me, but then again, he always has done! Maybe because I've never known my father, or anything about him.
I was sixteen when mum died and until then, tattoo free.

Si is responsible for the beautiful art work that starts at my ankle and finishes just below my armpit, a gift from him after all the years I moaned for ink, maybe he thought since his sister was no longer around it was the least he could do for me! I adored the one of a kind intricate pattern as do my customers.

Si likes a drink, I don't see him as often as I should so when he comes to the club to see me, I know I'm gonna feel like this the next day!

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