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"Kaylee are you okay?" Jai asked until I couldn't stand anymore. I passed out.
"So friends with benefits basically." I said sounding torn but really, I was only disgusted. I was not the type who would ever do it. Jai just shrugged. "Basically it won't be that bad, we won't have sex if you aren't ready."
"Jai I-I don't know about that."
"Come on Kay, please." Jai said sucking on my sweet spot making me let a small whimper making me feel Jai smirk against my neck. "Jai I can't. I really am not like that-" "Kaylee, it fine. I don't want to rush you into something like that." Jai said with a chuckle looking at you making you blush. "What?" You asked breaking eye contact. "You're so beautiful." He said taking his fingers and turned your head to face him again, looking into his amazing eyes.


"Thanks Jai." You said blushing harder, "I don't want to ruin the moment but, can we go to bed, I'm so tired." I said yawning. Jai nodded and took your hand leading you to bed. "Night Kaylee." "Night."
"They still aren't awake."

"Wake Them!"

"No Namjoonie, you do it!"

"Ugh fine. Guys get your lazy asses up." Jai started to get up and you just turned on the other side and just groaned. "Just leave her to sleep. We need to go now. Taehyung and Jungkook, stay here with her and watch. Make sure you have everything you need." Jai voice echoed in my ear. "TURN THE LIGHT OFF." You yelled. You heard someone rush to turn it off then I assumed they left the room except Kook and V. "Bye Kaylee you're safe here." Jai voice said and kissed me cheek. You acted like you went back to sleep and then smiled and blush when Jai walked out. You fell asleep but of course fell asleep about Jai.
"She can sleep forever."
"Is she still alive?"
"Shit check her!" My hands start to do up when they held up my hand trying to find a pulse making me an eye and laugh. "She's alive." V said. "Yay Noona is okay." Look smiled. (Noona is what a younger boy calls a older girl.)
"Of course I'm still alive guys gosh." You laughed. "Ugh I hate just sitting here." V said.
"Let's got and get coffee." I said. "No no no, too dangerous Noona." Kook said. "Please Kookie! I really want a vanilla bean ice coffee." I whined making V and Kook sigh. "Fine let's go. Only because I want an pumpkin spice." Taehyung said.
"It's so good!" You said laughing taking a sip of Kookie's drink. You guys were having a blast. You were just looking at V when you saw someone behind V that looked familiar. Somehow, to me. He looked like me.
"Noona, are you okay?" Jungkook asked and started to get a bad headache. And it looked like the guy was too cause he started to rub his head. "I have a killer headache." "Let's go, the boys are back at the place anyway."
I looked up and saw Kaylee. My head started to hurt even worse from all this and stress.
"Go say something to her Jack." My mothers voice said in my head making my head even more by second. I looked back up, to see if she was there. But suddenly she was;Gone.
"Finally you guys are back!" Jai said coming up to you and hugging you. You still didn't feel good it just made you sleepier and even more light headed. "Kaylee are you okay?" Jai asked until I couldn't stand anymore. I passed out.
Short chapter again cause like we are getting a situation, well lots of situations.


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