Chapter 9™

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"Well that will have to wait." Beau said, "Party is starting, don't want to be late."
"How are we supposed to stay here if we aren't safe Jai?" I said crossing my arms.
"It is the best place we can find right now!Just trust me."

"How am I supposed to trust yo-" I said being cut off by Jai pulling me into his chest by tightly having his arms around my waist. "Kaylee... You have to trust me." He said looking me into the eyes makes my us have connection. "Okay Jai.. I-I trust you."

"Good." He said with a little smile. "But I thought that we were going to move around so we don't get caught and-" I was cut off with Jai's lips colliding onto mine. It absolutely perfect. It was like no one or nothing could hurt me. I felt that nothing was happening around us. But it slowly went right back to normal when he departed his lips from mine.

"W-Why'd you do that?" I stumbled on my words. Jai was making me just wonder how he can change his mood so fast like nothing ever happened really.

"It made you stop rambling on about what doesn't matter. I promise Kay I am going to keep you safe and everything else is my problem and not yours. You don't deserve to go through this." He said putting his hand on my cheek, "We are going to be okay. You are going to okay."

"Yeah okay." I said with a smile making Jai smile. "Now I would get ready. It's 6:39 and the party starts at 8:00-"

"Wait party. I didn't know I was going. I don't even have anything to wear-"
"I could help you with that." A voice said behind us making me turn around to see who it was.

"Laura!" Jai said walking over to her giving her a hug. "Jai! It's been forever. Glad to see you back here. Never thought you'd come back." She said with a dazzling smile, "Who's this?" "Oh Laura, this is Kaylee, Kaylee, Laura."

Laura was pretty actually. She had a soft British accent. Delicate pale skin, freckles covered over by foundation, long blonde straight hair that covers her breast, skinny and lanky, maybe 5'11. Her eyes are blue with a tint of green to them, almost like a mint. She wore an worn out Rolling Stone shirt and tight black skinny jeans, and broken down converses.

"Hi, my name is Lauren but Laura for short. Glad to meet you."
"Hi you can call me Kay for short."
"Cool. So I'm guess you don't have anything to wear tonight. Well that's what I heard you say."
"Yeah not really."
"Well follow me." She said walking out of the room with me following.

"Meet me at the party. Laura will take you." Jai said sticking his head out the door then closed it.
"Lets go."
"Okay this would look too good on you." She said holding out the white tight dress.
"Do you think Jai will like it?" I asked taking it from her.

"Hell yeah! Go try it on." She said pushing me into the bathroom. I put the dress on but I didn't get to zip the dress up the whole way. I look at my self in the mirror and though it fit perfectly. It fit the puzzle since we already did my makeup and hair.

It look great. I looked great. I had my foundation on with highlight and contour, I got a dark red smokey eye with winged eyeliner and of course fake eyelashes and dark red lipstick.
Laura did my hair with a curling iron and made sure every piece was curly as possible.

"Will you zip this up for me?" I asked her walking out of the bathroom.
"You look, so good Kay! Here come here so I can zip it." She said and I came over there so could zip it. "Okay...there. How does it look turn around." She said and I did what she said. "Perfect. You look absolutely stunning. Let's go to the party. It's about to start."

"What about you? Are you wearing that?" Laura was still wearing her band tee and jeans. I thought she would be the one who would love to get dressed up. "Eh Yeah I guess. This was about you not me." "Oh come on. I'm going to go and get something you can wear and I'll do you makeup, stuff like that. I'll be back."

I went to her closet and looked for something. She had lots of clothes but not much dressy ones. She got the dress that I'm wearing from her aunt when she was in New York for her birthday. She said she never wore it cause she never liked it. But I don't know how she doesn't like it. I'm absolutely in love with it!

Since she really didn't have anything I search in my clothes. I finally found her something and I really like it. It was a high waisted white skirt with a flower crop top. Her black and white high top converse would look great with it.

"Here." I gave it to her and her eyes lit up. "It's so cute! Let me change into it, I won't be long," She said walking into the bathroom. I got my makeup bag and hers and it plugged the curler in. I opened her bag and saw a note. Isn't that the same note in Jai's room I picked it up and put it my purse. I saw she had medicine for my head so I took two of them and washed them down with water. She came out of the bathroom right after I quickly closed her bag. "Make up time!"
"Wait don't you want some medicine for your head?"
"My headache will probably go away soon enough!"
"Where is he?" I asked getting annoyed fiddling around with my fingers.
"I don't know he said he would be here soon-"

"I heard you were back. I thought it was just a rumor." Nathan said walking into the room, "I'm assuming you need help with Reed, right?"

"Not only that but I'm trying to keep someone safe." "Who? Yourself?" Ash said with a smirk. "No, actually."
"Wow shocker." Nathan said sarcastically, "Then who is it?" "It's Kaylee."

"Kaylee...Johnson. Isn't that the girl-"
"Yes that's the girl. Reed is practically getting everyone, everywhere to kill her. We need to take him down soon as possible."

"Well that will have to wait." Beau said, "Party is starting, don't want to be late."
Short chapter but I hoped you liked. What do you think will happen at the partyy...
-A Turtle Smalla Than a Bug

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