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I can't lose her to Reed.

I hardly could sleep. Thinking about what happened last night haunts me when I close my eyes. How could Jai just, kill someone! Jai must of took Jonah somewhere with the boys because the whole house was silent. The only thing you could hear was my sobs.

I went downstairs and I saw that the living room was still a mess from last night. I picked everything thing up and started to make something to eat.
"Well you're up early aren't you." Nora said coming down the stairs.
"I couldn't sleep."
"I'm sorry that happened to you and your brother last night, but it has happened to me if you makes you feel better." Nora said sitting down across from me.
"What? Why did it happen."
"It happened a year ago, when Luke and I just started dating. And we were just walking until we were pushed into this car. I had no idea what was happening and I was scared straight. We arrived to this abandoned building and they started to ask where was the drugs and the money that Ty stole. Luke wouldn't tell him so they got fed up and started to hit me. Luke wanted to do something but couldn't. But they still asked Luke questions and he didn't know the answer. So they said they were going to do bad things with me and were about to have sex me but then Jai and the boys came in and shot the whole place up. I was beaten up pretty bad and this guy named Gavin helped me-"
"Gavin? Gavin Kennedy? He still alive? I thought he got in a bad wreck."
"He faked his death to go into gang shit and help Jai and the boys."
"Jai..Jai is in a gang?"
"Jai is the leader of the gang!" Nora said making my heart beat faster than it already was.
"But why do they want me?"
"Cause Kay, you're important to Jai and they want to take the most important thing in his life again!"
"Yeah again."
"What happened the first time."
"Well-" Nora said but was cut off by the door opening. It kind of scared me cause I didn't know if it was someone trying to kill me or the boys. Which I'm scared shitless of both of them.
But it was the boys.
"Luke you're okay!" Nora said going over to him and hugging him tight. I look at everyone of them then I locked eyes with Jai making put my head down loosing eye contact.
My body started to go weak when I stood up.
"Are you okay?" I heard Jai's voice but everything started to get dizzy and I fell on the floor. Then everything fading into white.

"Is she going to be okay??"
"Yeah she up right now, we need to ask her some questions and then she will be fine to go unless we need to do more test on her."
"What about her parents, and Jack? Are they okay?"
"I'm sorry to tell you but Alice and Will Johnson didn't make it. And Jack will be fine. He in better shape then Kaylee. We need to find a home for them both."
"Mom Sarah and I can adopt Kay. Please, I think this will be good for us."
"Okay but who will have Jack?"
"We will until your sister comes back?"
"Are you sure Darlena wants to take care of him? Isn't she pregnant?"
"She had miscarriage. She wants a boy. But they are going to move to U.S, but that is probably smart to take Jack with her, Perth will know everything probably tomorrow."
"I'll guess we will take Kaylee to Melbourne, probably the best."
"I've always wanted to go."
"You want to separate Jack and Kay?"
"Jack can visit."
"Okay yeah sure..."
"Okay, can we go in there?"
"Yeah, if you guys want to hear her responses to the questions you can come."

"Hey Kaylee, how do you feel?" The nurse asked but I really don't, remember.
"Where am I? I don't know where Kaylee is."
"You're Kaylee silly!" The nurse said nervous, "Do you know how old you are?"
"I-I don't know."
"This could be a problem.." The nurse said.
"Do you remember why you are in the hospital?"
"No? Where is my mommy and daddy?"
"Well honey, I'm sorry to say but your mom and dad are de-"
"We are right here baby." The girl said, well my mom.
"I want to go home." I said starting to cry.
"Okay lets go then." She said smiling picking me out of the uncomfortable hospital bed then whispered something to the nurse but I couldn't hear.
"Kay, you're okay!" An old lady said.
"Sorry I don't know you."
"She doesn't remember anything. The nurse thinks she has Amnesia."
"Well, fresh start. Hi Kay, nice to meet you! I'm your grandma!" She said and I gave her smile.
"Kaylee! Kaylee! Wake up. Please!" Jai said making me open my eyes.
"Are you okay?" "I-I don't know." I said.
"Here, get up." Jai said pulling me up and I hardly could stand. I was about to fall but he caught me. "I got you, come on I'll lay you down."
"No Jai Im fine, it's been happening lately."
"Do you know why?"
"No, probably for no reason, they are just flashbacks, but they haven't happened before."
"What? That's weird, I can take you to the hospital if you want me to."
"No, I hate hospitals." I said, "Jai could I talk to you in private." Jai nodded and I led him upstairs to his room.
"What the fuck Jai! You're in a gang! Why did you tell me?"
"Kay, I didn't get to explain to you."
"Why do they need to go after to me? How do they know that I'm important to you?" I said starting to cry.
"Kaylee, they know everything. They know you're important to me so there're mad cause I wouldn't do something for them! That's why I need to leave.." He said cupping my cheeks.
"I don't want you to leave." I said and he just gave me a smile.
"Trust me, I don't want to leave you."
"Why can't I just come with you?"
"No Kaylee, it's too dangerous. We would have to be on the road for months and Teddy can't stay here by himself."
"Nora might watch him! Please Jai, I want to go with you!" I said.
"No Kay, I want you safe." "Jai, I'll be safer with you, please."
"I can't believe I'm doing this...We are leaving tonight, make sure you have your things packed." He said making me hug him.
"Jai, please, tell me everything."
"Why are you in the gang? Who is in it? Why are they after you?"
"It all started when I was sixteen." Jai slowly breathed in then started to continue, "The boys and I wanted to earn money, and one way we knew how to was sell drugs on the streets, but we didn't know where to get the drugs. So, we started to work for someone then sold his drugs on the streets. He said we could keep the money, if- if.." Jai said stumbling on the last part. "If we killed some people and Rob places, We never got caught and he made us strong, taught us every we needed to know to keep our self safe, until he tried to kill even more people, so we dropped out. Ever since, we have been enemies and try to kill each other. So the boys are still in our gang and are trying to take him down. If you want drop out just say now."
"Are you crazy. Jai I'm going to be there for you the whole way okay?"
"Okay. I would start packing your things and it's 8:39." Jai said and I nodded. I was going to go over to my house until I remembered about Teddy. I have to say goodbye.

"You're letting her go with you? Are you sure that's safe?"
"Yeah I just have to tell her rights and wrongs and she will be fine. I just want to keep her safe."
"Whatever Jai, this is a dumb idea. Meet at the Souths, Austin and I will be there to settle things with Nathan."
"Alright, see you then." I said hanging up the phone and started to gather everything. Guns, ammo, knifes, and of course clothes. I can't I'm letting her go with me. She is the only thing I have left. I can't loose her to Reed.
Short Chapter but hoped you liked...
A turtle Smalla then a bug

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