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"The people that go for you are his people that he sent to kill you!"
"Kaylee." I heard over and over. "Kaylee!"
"What's happening?" I said standing up. I was surrounded by all white. I don't know where I am. It's just me. But someone is calling my name.
"Who's saying that." I said covering my ears.
I look around and words appear.
'Find Jack'
Jack? The kid from my dream. But why is he important.
"You must find Jack Kaylee." I women said. She had same features as me. My black hair, well before I dyed my hair, Hazel Eyes, same nose. But she had bruises and cuts all over her and her clothes were all torn.
"Who are you?"
"I'm your mom." She said with a smile. She's not my mom..
"Listen to your mother Kaylee." A man said coming beside her.

"Who are you guys seriously!" They looked familiar. They- They were from my dream. The parents of Jack. And they were driving me to school. And they said they were my parents. I called them my parents. But the guy only looked like my dad. Like my dads twin.
"We are your parents Kaylee. You don't remember us because of the wreck. You lost your memory. We helping you remember. Jack will help you too. But find Jack and hurry. Or you might be too late."
"What?" I'm so confused. Is this what my dreams mean?
"Wait!" I said but they were fading away.
"Bye Kaylee." They repeated over and over.

"Kaylee? Kaylee wake up!" Jai said shaking me. I woke up and we were in a car. And I was in Jai's clothes. What the fuck happened.
"How did I get here?"
"I found you in the alley right beside your house and these guys...tried to hurt you. I-I should of went with you."
"No Jai. I'm fine."
"Did you even know who they were."
"No." But I wasn't lying. I really didn't know who they were. Maybe they were the people that are trying to kill my family cause Jai owes money. It would make sense. They broke into my house and left a creepy note saying 'come see me in the alley to talk about your mom.'
"So where is our first stop?" I said. It looked like Jai was driving for hours and hasn't took a break.
"We can go and get something to eat quick." Jai suggested which I totally agreed with. I was starving. Before I passed out and had my weird dream about Jack and my 'parents' I didn't get to eat. Which sucks.
"Yeah that's fine."
We pulled into a little diner. We walked in and sat down.
"What could I get you guys."
"Um I would like some Eggs and Bacon. Kay, what about you?"
"Wait it's morning?" I have been sleeping all day. I must of had a hard hit. But it was a little late when I did pass out.
"Yes," Jai chuckled, "Order anything you want babe, it's all on me."
"You guys are such a cute couple! How long have you guys been dating."
"Oh no it no-"
"For a year. And I love her." Jai said with a huge grin.
"So happy for you guys. She's a keeper you know."
"I would like pancakes and some coffee 5sugars 4milk." I said quickly changing the subject.
"Okay I'll be fast."

"Wow Jai."
"Wow what babe?" He said taking a sip of his water.
"Okay wanna play that game? I'll win so you could just give up now." I said crossing my arms making Jai laugh. "Oh babe, I'm Jai Brooks, I can get anything I want. And I always win." He said with a smirk which turned me on so quickly it was like switching a light switch on.
"Whatever." I said laughing rolling my eyes.
I look out the window just looking for signs to see where we were which I really couldn't see any. I saw a car pull up then I saw someone go out of it. Reed.
"Reed's here." I said to Jai with a little smile making Jai turn. Reed must of saw us cause he had a smile well smirk on his face.
"Kaylee we need to go now!" Jai said about to stand up but I pulled him back down.
"Why. We basically just got here." I said confused. I saw Reed walk in and started to come over to us.
"Well hello Jai. Kaylee nice to see you again." Reed said with a smile.
"Hey Re-"
"Go the fuck away Reed!" Jai said angry.
"Jai he is just saying hi." I said crossing my arms. Is he just jealous of Reed.
"Yeah Jai I'm just saying hi, I'm not doing anything wrong now am I." Reed said with a smile. Something snapped in Jai cause he stood up quickly, dragging me with him and pushing passed Reed.
We got into the car and I was so angry at Jai. He just thinks he can just do that just cause he is jealous.
"God Jai, he wasn't do anything!" I yelled at Jai while he was backing out of the drive way.
"Kay, I'm trying to keep you AWAY from him!"
"Why because your jealous." I mumbled sinking into my seat, crossing my arms.
"What did you say?" Jai said looking at me angrily, his vein popping out from his neck, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel.
"God Damn it Jai I said you're fucking jealous, you're mad because I told Nora that I thought he was cute and you heard! You know what, I'll hang out with him if I fucking want to! You can't st-"
"Kay shut the fuck up, you know nothing about him okay!" He said even louder. Even though he was scaring me, I wasn't going to back down this easily.
"Okay well you don't either!"
"Yes I do Kay!"
"Jai I don't need to stay away from just because you tell me."
"Yes you do, fucking trust me. You don't know anything about him. He hasn't told you what he's done."
"What has he done hm? Stole your girlfriend? Took your dumb ass drugs and money."
"For fuck sake Kaylee don't you understand? He's the one that wants you as your fucking family dead! The people that go for you are his people that he sent to kill you!"
Was this good? I dunno. I made this short just cause I wanted this in and then make a new chapter. Finally it is getting good. Sorry it took so freakin long.
Hope you like it so far. Like and comment pleaseeeee
.•A Turtle Smalla then a bug•.

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