Chapter 8™

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"So, May I ask where are we?"
"The South."
"Is it safe?"
"Safe enough, well not really."
"Who was that?" I said brushing my wet hair out.
"Beau..Nora called you by the way. I didn't get to answer it." He said pointing to my phone. I picked up my phone and started to dial her number.
"Hey I tried to call you."
"Yeah sorry I was in the shower"
"Yeah, so what did you need?"
"It's about your brother."
"I-Is he okay?"
"Not really."
"What?" I felt like the walls were closing in on me. Teddy is hurt. Teddy is hurt, and I can't be there for him.
"He passed out, I-I don't know what happened! H-He just was running around playing with my sister then he started to get tired and and-"
"Nora calm down." I said but I knew exactly what happened. He's just like my dad. He just got over heated and passed out. Maybe that's why I pass out but my dad never said that when you pass out that you have weird dreams about people claiming to being your parents.
"Look he just got overheated. Nothing bad just get him ice cold water for him when he wakes up and some medicine for his head okay?"
"Yeah yeah okay, thanks Kay, it just scared me. Your the only one I could of called." She said talking slower.
"It's fine but just thanks for telling me. Bye."
"What happened?" Jai asked taking his shirt off and boxers changing into sweats.
"Really Jai."
"What I just want to know what she called for-"
"No not that! You changing! Jeez.." But I knew he was probably only do it to make me more 'attracted' to him.
"Like you haven't saw me like this. Maybe some day you can see what's under." He said with a smirk making me roll my eyes but really I was dying inside. My stomach all tense, it made my whole body shiver, and my cheeks colored with a slight pink look to them.
"Can we go to bed now." I said whining.
"Yeah we need to go to bed so we can wake up early tomorrow to go somewhere else."What?
"What do you mean? We just basically got here.."
"We can't just stay in places..We need to move over and over so Reed doesn't catch us, but since we are just going to drive until we get the South we won't have to move for a little while. Just trust me okay, I'm doing the best for us." He said with a small smile laying in the bed, "Now come lay with me." He widen his arms and made me fall back onto the bed as lay with him.
"Goodnight Jai..Sweetdreams." I said as a little girl making me giggle a little and I don't even know why it wasn't funny at all I was just tired.
"Night Kaylee..Nightmares." Jai said.
"Hey that's rude!" I said making him let out a little chuckle then turn to turn the lamp off.
"Just go to sleep." He said putting his head in the crook of my neck.
"Kaylee...Kaylee, wake up! It's time to go." Jai said shaking me making me just curl up and again and mumbled for him to go away.
"Fine but you made me do this." He said picking me up and taking me outside to the car. He put the passenger seat back and set me down putting the blanket over me.
He went back into the hotel to grab a few things he couldn't carry since he had to carry well me and then we drove off. Jai turned on the radio and a over-played song came on which annoyed me but I fell asleep in a minute though it.
"Are you going to get her out of the car!"
"I don't want to wake Kaylee up."
"How long has she been sleeping."
"Well we left at 6:30am and it's now 5:12pm so eleven hours and eighteen minutes."
"God Jai just wake her up."
"I'm up..." I mumbled sitting up and pulling the seat up.
I saw Jai, Beau, and someone else with curly hair standing on my side of the car. They all moved so I could open the door. "Finally she is awake. We thought you would sleep until the party." The guys said. Who is he?
"Kaylee this is Ash, Ash, Kaylee." Jai said putting his arm around my waist.
"Nice to meet you Jai has told me things about you." He said kind of making me nervous, "Well not only Jai, lots of people actually." He started to make tense up at his words and making my heart beat faster. Tears were wanted to burst out of my eyes. Soon the sound was starting to block out and so wasn't my surroundings.
Soon everything was gone
The car was going off that I was in. But the car wasn't the same cause it was flipped. I knew this care. It was so familiar. Wait the car that was in my first dream. This is the car!

I started around as looked infront of me and saw the people claiming to be my parents in the front seat. The women had her neck resting back on her shoulder. But the man, he was still alive. But he was not awake. I look to my left and see a boy in the same position as me. He started to turn his head to look at me and our eyes met. We had the same features. Eyes, nose, face structure, everything.
"K-Kay? Is that you?" He said.
"Jack?" Really I didn't know who Jack was. But it would make sense if it was him. He was in the same place he was in my dream just not older and he still looked the same.
"I didn't know you were still alive..." He breathed out.
"Can we get out of the car......please." I was going to suffocate. I can't handle same places. Jack managed to kick his door open climbing out of the car. Then he came to my side and barged the door open then helped me out.
"Yeah no problem." Jack said. It was still snowing but the snow wasn't white, it wasn't even snow. It was ashes.
"Why are we here again. This happened so long ago.."
"It actually did happened?"
"Y-You don't remember?"
"I don't remember anything. And to be honest I don't even know who you are or who my real parents are." I was so confused I didn't even know what was happening.
"You lost your memory in the crash. And your now parents brain washed you thinking that you were their child." The man said that was in the car.
"Where did you come from?" I asked but no one even answered my question.
"Dad!" Jack said hugging him.
"What about me Jack?" The women said making Jack go over her and hug her hard.
"I see Kay made it." She smiled as she came over to me taking my hand into hers.
"Please Kaylee remember. Remember us. Your family. Your real family." Somehow I felt a spark of electricity come into my body and memories flashing in my head. But they were only bits and pieces. Why couldn't I remember everything. I let go of her hands. "I'm so sorry but, I don't remember you." I said crying. She looked so torn. I shouldn't of said that. "You will soon Kaylee. Soon is better than never." She said with a smile.
"I think they need to go honey."
"Yeah you're right. Kaylee listen to me alright." She said coming closer as I nodded. "Soon you will be coming home, in Sydney. And when you do go to your grandmothers. She will tell you everything okay? Maybe you'll find Jack. Cause when you do I promise that you'll remember everything." She said I just nodded. I really had no words to describe my feelings. It was just so confusing but I understood everything, "I-I love you." She said crying before they disappear signaling that I was waking up.
"Come on Kay. Wake up." Jai said stroking my face softly, gently making circles over and over on my arm with the hand. I fluttered my eyes open and looked at Jai and my surroundings. "Why do you keep passing out Kay?" Jai asked.
"It's really no big deal Jai. Nothing bad happens to me. I just get too hot."
"Are you positive?"
"Yes my dad and I always do it. Even Teddy is starting to do it. I'm fine." I said with a smile, "So, May I ask where are we?"
"The South."
"Is it safe?"
"Safe enough, well not really."
Hey guys sorry I haven't posted things have been happening lately... Really sorry but I hoped you like this vote if you did comment what you think what is going to happen next.. Bye love you.
A turtle Smalla then a bug

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