Chapter 12 - Danger close!

Start from the beginning

Then, once both teams have made a positive contact with each other to prevent friendly fire, they moved in sync towards each other. Bayonets fixed, and weapons at the ready to light up the area in front of them if need be.

They were all on edge, and the safety was truly off, there wasn't even a cricket singing his nightly tunes here and because of that. It had thrown the area into maddening silence, were Otto could hear his own rapid heart beat from within his chest that shook his frame.

It was from the nervous adrenaline rush that coursed through his veins that had made his arms shake a little. Plus, he could even hear everyone's light footsteps or the shallow breathing from his comrades beside him.


Jack was laying on his side with his lower back pressed up against one of the trees. He had successfully concealed himself from the enemy, but his heart was thundering inside of his chest.

The Germans are right there, and the closest one's within arms reach from Jack, he could literally reach out and tap the man's knee if he wanted to. And that fact made Jack especially on edge, to the point he was becoming parodied that they'd hear him breathe. He even went to the lengths of covering his mouth with his hand to muffle his exhales.

The teams were slowly walking around and there were too many points in time where one of Jack's men almost got found.

Jack's eyes darted around the dark, following the movement of the shadows but his eyes froze once he saw one of the German's making his way over towards him.

"Start checking the bushes everyone, I'll start over here." Oslo said over his shoulder before turning back to the bush in front of him and reached out.

Grabbing onto the branch, he was about to pull it aside when a angered hiss rose up from one of the other bushes.

Immediately all twelve flashlights were quickly flicked on and shined on the source of the sound, and they all followed the angry raccoon that made his escape up one of the trees.

"Falsch alarm, es war eine nur Waschbär... Komm, zurück zu die Oberfeldwebel menschen."  Otto breathed and the twelve men began to make their way back all except for one.

"Gunter, du bist kommen oder nicht?" Someone called out and the man who had stopped in front of a bush waved him off.

Jack barely caught what he had said, but involved something about leaving him the hell alone.

The next thing everyone heard was the German unzipped his pants after he had swung his rifle to rest against his back.

Then there's was an audible sound of him relieving himself on the bushes, it felt like a long drawn out minute before he finally finished what he needed to do and zip himself up.

Then, he turned around to face his friend and quickly rushed over calling to him "I haven't gone since lunch, sheesh, your nagging's worse than mum you know that?" He said while he made his way over.

Jack felt like a lot of pressure was taken off of his chest once he had sighed in relief.

However to stay on the safe side, he waited until their footsteps faded from ear shot before calling the all clear.

"All clear, everyone alright?" Jack asked as he carefully dragged himself out from the foliage and shrubs that had sheltered him.

Everyone said their replies to Jack's question, all except for Harris.

He emerged from the bushes that the German pissed on, soaked and pissed off, quite literally.

There was silence for a moment before what happened to the Sarge clicked with everyone, and one of the Private's nearly bursted out into laughter as he tried to contain himself. And his contagious, muffled laughter was starting to spread amongst the others rather rapidly.

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