16- the jotun are among us

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( I really love the Cover made by @li)

I went to the massive library that took up one of two basement levels, I stared up at the pillars of books looking for one hardcover edition book in paticular. I traced my finger along the books finding the 'Y' authors section, the author of the book I was looking was Xzanderouv Yedonvia III called The Ancient Timeline of Heroes & Breeds. It's probably the most informative book on all creatures.

I rounded the corner, to get to the shelf that continued the y's. On a marble pedestal stood the book, open and somewhat magical. I picked it up and felt my arms strain with the suprising weight of the book. I lugged it all the way back to my room and sat down on the squishy bed, ready to read.

I had found many things about all kinds of creatures, but nothing seeming correct. Flick, flick, flick. Went the pages, I turned the page.but on the page before, caught my attention. I went bavk ti the page and automatically new what had caught my eye. It read.

Species: Jotun

Appearance(not hybrid): white skin, white hair, flawless skin, pastel blue or purple eye colour, 6-6.4 ft

Appearance (hybrid):pale skin, white-blonde hair, flawless skin, ice blue, purple or a mix between eyes, 5.7-6.2ft

Power: ice and snow works in their favour. Do not feel the cold.

Found:  their ia said to be a realm that takes you to a snowy land. Hybrids of jotuns rarely go into the  jotun realm

Can cross with:common:wizards, sirens. Rare:vampires, wizards UltraRare:werewolves elememtals.

Other info: Some jotun can become related, even if they have different families. The ones that do have added power, not as much as the royals. To confirm, look between the pinky and ring finger, if  skin indents match then it is true.


Its them, I can tell. As soon as I saw the photo up the top of a white skinned, longhaird lady wearing a crown, I knew it. I dont think they know. I don't know how to tell them, because it ia basically saying that their entire life was a lie. And well, that won't go to well, I would think. I slammed the book shut and put it back on its pedestal, satisfied with what I discovered and set out to find the jotun among us.

(Emma's POV

I was running from lizzie and tasha, i wasn't looking ahead ssmacked straight into Dan, making myself land flat on my bum as the other teeo managed to stop. I picked my self up and brushed imaginary dirt from my sport shorts, muttering an apology. "Nevemind that, but you were the person I wanted to see." He announced and continued. "Lizze you too, and Natasha you aught to know" we nodded and sat down on the floor below our feet.
"What is it?" Natasha questioned and figeted around, she doesn't like sitting in the ground.

"Lizzie and Emma, you a both ultrarare jotun-werewolf."

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