The GreenStar pack

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Alpha~Noah. Wolf is Raven, ash black fur and electric blue eyes that stand out from his fur.

Beta~ Lochiel. Wolf is Niall, light blonde fur, blue paw pads and sea blue eyes.

Gamma~Zac. Wolf is Fang, dark red fur and bright red eyes.

Delta~Jade. Wolf is Opal, chocolate brown fur with a cool green tinge.

Salutary~Ben. Wolf is bullet, silvery grey husky markings and brown eyes

Sentinel~ Sophia. Wolf is Nats, brown-black fur and yellow eyes.

Sentinel~Joey. Wolf is Riley, dirty blonde fur with brown patches and swamp green eyes.

Sentinel~Georgie. Wolf is birch, a creamy and shiny mix of brown and navy eyes.

Sentinel~ Charlotte. Wolf is oak, grey and black speckled fur with navy eyes

Sentinel~Riley. Wolf is lilac, strawberry blonde fur and black around the eyes and tail and yellow eyes.

So guys just so you know this is a new pack I am adding in.

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