5 party planners

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Stella's POV

Yas I won the race, I just bet Emma, and now... Anna is my slave for the week!

But on the other hand, party tomorrow we need to plan, oh and we all are going shopping for clothes to wear.

Emmas POV
-finished organising-

We just hung up the last of the black sheets that are covered in neon splatters across the windows. The house looks amazing the doors are covered in silver tinsel, silver plastic cups and utensils, neon streamers and banners and strobe lights and smoke machines. The cake is my favourite it's been dug out in the middle and filled with soft caramel , its neon purple and looks like it has a river made out of silver candy beads flowing down one side and on the top has two posing brown wolves.

We got in the cars, and went to the mall, I grabbed Natasha and we ran into the nearest shop.

I choose two outfits, one was a silver flowing dress with a purple jewel design on the front and a pair of high purple heels, and the other was a strapless tight white dress that sparkles purple black and blue and it goes to my mid thighs and silver boots.

Natasha choose, a flowing, sparkling, silver knee length dress and pink boots that go up to her knees, and a black glittery, tight floor length dress that includes a silver belt and silver high heeled shoes.

We paid the lady that I randomly knew was an animagus of the diamondblood pack, she sensed it to and gave an knowledgable smile and we waved good bye and left the colourful store.


Everyone else left before, so I decided I HAD to get a coffee and a present for tash. And now I was walking out of Starbucks, carrying all my bags in one hand and a pumpkin spice latte in the other. I was looking at my feet drinking my latte when I bumped into a soft wall, spilling my drink on my silver dress and on my thin, white shirt in the process, I closed my eyes hard expecting contact with the ceramic tiling but arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes finding Ryan holding me.

I stood up quickly and brushed myself of, then I set down my worthless empty cup, peered in my bag." Shit.." I cursed. Ryan offered to pay and took me back to the store ignoring my 'no's', he walked right up to the lady and asked for another dress," sorry," she said."the ones you see on the rack are the ones you can buy" "WILL YOU GET ANOTHER DRESS!" Ryan stated in his alpha tone, taking no shit from the brunet, she nodded and ran away and returned with a dress the same as the one I brought, he pulled out his credit card and payed for the dress, and walked out of the store not letting me say a word.

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