40 | beautiful

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Emile Hirsch knows something was wrong with Kristen. She has always been a pursy girl, but now she refuses to talk to people. She shies away in the corner and everyone has noticed that. He wants to talk to her, to understand what was wrong.

Today, they are going to film the scene in which Chris and Tracy, the characters which our heroes portray in the movie, had a duet. This scene and soon Kristen will have to leave the set and go back to her normal life full of studying and practicing lines.

And it's going to be worse!

Her mom's going to kill her when she learns that her own daughter will have to re-take grade ten.

For Emile, it's the chance to talk to her and clarify things. Maybe she'll need a hug too. And a cookie. So he has baked her some. But is it a good idea to bring her food, when he can see that she barely eats?

Hesitant, he knocks on the door of her trailer, worried and scared of her reaction. What if she shoos him? How can he help her when she doesn't want to help herself?

"Who's it?", He hears her calling and breaths in relief.

"It's Emile," he raises his voice. She opens the door, her hair messy from her slumber. Even with bags under her sleepy eyes, she still looks beautiful.

She cracks a smile, not quite touching her eyes, but still somehow convincing. "Hey."

He smiles back at her, "Hey", and handles her the jar of cookies.

The girl panicks. Why is he giving her food? Doesn't he know how fat is she going to become if she eats that? What if he thinks she's whale like?


She looks down, feeling guilty. "I can't eat that."

I told you so! , Emile's inner voice yells. And he hasn't listened to it. Like he ever has had.

But why can't she eat the cookies? Is she allergic? Or does she have diabetes?

She invites him in and puts the jar of cookies in the mini fridge. He sits on one of the chairs and prepares to talk to her. Deep breath. It's all better now.

"Kristen," his voice comes out raspy. He clears his throat. "We need to talk."

She sharply turns to him.

Uh oh.

What if he knows her secret?

She's dead then.

"I know that something is bothering you and I insist on you telling me. We can all see you're struggling,"

He stands up and gives her a hug, hoping it will help anyhow. Hesitant, she hugs back. She hasn't been hugged since she has said goodbye to her boyfriend, Michael, and has left to film the movie. She has forgotten how good it feels. Someone's arms being wrapped around her body. Like a shield, a protecting wall.

"I . . . I failed my exam," She sighs. Who says telling he truth was always the best solution of the problem? Whoever the fuck has said that, his hands has to get dry.

"Kristen," he smiles softly, letting her go. "Life is full of ups and downs. But that doesn't mean that you have to give up."


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He brushes some streaks of hair out of her face, reminding her that they have to go to film

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He brushes some streaks of hair out of her face, reminding her that they have to go to film.

She bites her tongue. She doesn't want to film. She wants to hide away in her trailer, cuddled in her bed and rest.

Her stylists have turned her from miserable to decent-looking. Her colleagues, as usual, don't attempt to talk to her. Another dull day.

"And . . . Action!" , yells the director, signaling the actors that it's time for the filming of the scene to start.

Kristen forces a smile, singing and playing her guitar. Some of her tones come slightly out of tune, but she hopes no one will notice that. Even if that happens, they'll film it again, won't they?

She ignores the dizzy feeling, trying to concentrate on embodying miss Tracy Tatro.

She ignores the dizzy feeling, trying to concentrate on embodying miss Tracy Tatro

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But her body can't take it. And darkness takes over, as she falls from her chair, her guitar slipping from her grip on the floor and breaking - all of this seeming to be happening in a movie-like, slow motion scene.


Beautiful 》Kristen Stewart (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now