Chapter 14 | Real Simulations

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Chapter 14 |Real Simulations

make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.
a vowel prefixed to past tenses of verbs in Greek and other Indo-European languages.

The hall was flooded with mortals from all over the world, all hoping to make the Freedom Games. Different nationalities mixed together as the Guards of each MC sorted them into groups. Announcements echoed through the speakers only adding clutter to the obvious chaotic state of the hall.
The Mortals of MC14 stood near the front entrance of the hall each wondering how they were suppose to sort themselves into groups since they had no Guards to do so for them.

"Follow me," a Guard commanded the confused mortals.

Not skipping a beat, they followed after him. The guard just like the rest wore a grey tailored suit with a rosy-red tie, each with short military styled hair. Besides the attire worn by the guards, they held clipboards that held printed data of present mortals as well as clear glasses that rested on the bridge of their noses. The glasses were based on Radi technology and had a program installed that helped them identify mortals as well as access extra information on them. It also enabled all guards to communicate with one another, from the ones putting mortals into order within the hall to the ones outside surveying the area.

Jia entered the hall, quickly running after what she hoped were the threads of Sheila's purple hair. Due to the thickening crowds she nearly lost the purple threads but soon caught up. She found herself standing in the center of the room with her MC, as the guards looked at his printed data.
Damien stood beside her acting nonchalant as he neared her, he didn't want to appear suspicious after all he was aware of the constant eye Sheila kept on him. He wasn't surprised at her fast analysis of his ranking according to her theory of competition in fact he predicted it. Ever since Brian had introduced he, Erica, David and Madison as his friends Sheila had kept an eye on his every move. Lucky for him two blondes, one male, the other female kept her preoccupied, giving him the perfect time to slip away from the purple-haired girl.

"Where were you?"Damien asked, not turning his gaze to her but looking forward.

Watched or not he didn't plan on taking any chances.

"I was up front,"Jia simple replied, avoiding his grey gaze herself, yet for an entirely different reason.

Cheeks tainted with a heated blush, Jia watched her black combat boots, studying the twine of it's laces.

"No that's not what I meant--"Damien started to elaborate but the guard interrupted him.

"Jia Brenda Rogers,"The guard called out.

Jia gave a sigh of relief and ran to the front, standing where the guard indicated she should stand.
Damien watched her figure push through the crowd of mortals, shaking his head at how desperate she was to escape his questioning.

She was really different from the rest of the creations, it was actually quite scary. She wasn't held in the same 'programming' as the rest but rather open and outspoken, well for as long as an Immortal wasn't present. She also never seemed to obtain that thick skull reasoning about how a mortal or anyone for that matter should live. She --like the derelicts-- wanted freedom, the crazy thing was she was defying a well known theory, 'She missed something she never had'. And that's what made her stick out, it was probably the reason why the Jedaphite chose her in the first place.

The guard called more names and soon he had categorised the entire MC's mortals according to ranking. The issue though was Damien, Madison, Erica and David weren't covered under the system and therefore were left to stand by the side not knowing what to do or what might be done to them.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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I Am MortalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang