Chapter 9 | His last mistake

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Chapter 9 | His last mistake

1. a straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle or sphere.
2. the thicker and shorter of the two bones in the human forearm.

"According to the contract you are agreeing to the following: you will defend Sector one during any attacks launched against it; all the male mortals of your Sectors will train in combat..." Calvin droned on about the conditions he had set as the other Sector Heads sat around the antique wooden desk, reading the fine print.

Three aggressive thuds at the door seized Calvin in his tracks and in turn filled the room with a daunting silence. All four Sector heads turned to the engraved mahogany door with golden handles hanging from it. Three aggressive thuds sounded the room once more and a luminous red peeked through the narrow gap beneath the door. Sending an eerie shiver down Calvin's spin, all people present in the room turned to each other, daring the other to do or say something, anything.

"W-who is it?" Calvin asked after gathering the courage the other Heads didn't seem to have.

The luminous red deepened and the door gave a rustic groan as it creaked open. The four Heads all seemed to hold in their breathes as this took place, all the air literally knocked out of them. The doors were now wide open, revealing Colton in a tailored suite, no luminous light present.

"Oh, it was only you,"Calvin breathed out, hand on chest as he tried to calm down his rapid beating heart.

Colton smirked and tilted his head to the side in a questioning manner.

"What afraid of a little lightening?"He mocked.

The room remained silent, no-one daring to respond to Colton's sarcastic comment. Noticing this he let out a devious chuckle which bounced off the room's wall and shattered at the bare nerves of the Sector Heads seated before him. A spark of red twitched in his hand like static energy against a carpet.
Subtle, yet visible the spark repeated this action over and over around both of Colton's hands in spontaneous movements.

"You must be mistaken for I was never the scared one,"Calvin fired back but contradicting himself as he took a slight step back.

Colton's smirk only widened at these actions.

"Let's test that theory."

Calvin stood rock still at this statement and tried to read his brother's motive. The red sparks thickened and swirled in figurative motions, creating a red ball of 'fire'.


Colton looked at Calvin in the eye and began to approach him, the flames expanding at each step.


The aura released by Colton was that of an iceberg, the ground he walked on creased with frost, which spread like wild fire, contaminating anything in its path.


The sound of Calvin in absolute despair was music to Colton's ears and only mused him further.

"Brother please!"

This caused Colton to stop advancing and let an enraged snarl, Colton was beyond the point of anger, his insides boiled with pure hot sizzling hatred.

"Brother?"He dryly chuckled out at Calvin's statement,"Brother!"

"Yes brother,"Calvin said desperately with quick nod of his head.

"You lost the that title the minute you killed him!"Colton shouted back, arms trembling, flames spreading in tendrils.

"He would've done the same! It was only self defense!"

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