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We were born into a world that was separated into two classes: The Immortals and The Mortals.
The Immortals lived within the Aristocracy of the world. They were called Aristocrats. These people were like the kings and queens of a society, they had more money then they needed and large houses with empty rooms. In order to live as an Immortal you had to live in silence and perform all duties that were assigned to you.
The Mortals on the other hand lived in two different worlds, the world of the Dereliction and the world of the Creation. Both worlds were as devastating as the other, both poverty stricken and tortuous.
The one world's inhabitants were all past criminals that had their memories erased -The Dereliction.
The other world's inhabitants were born into slavery and were constantly used for the governments experiments. They were tortured and overworked for the Immortals benefit and pleasure-The Creations.

The world of the Mortals was a dark world, filled with screams and tears but every five years there was a spark of hope.
Every five years the Immortals would host a competition called Freedom. In this competition the Immortals would run trials in which 50 Derelicts and 50 Creatures would qualify -in total 100 Mortals.
The competition would take place in a large building that consisted of moving walls and robotic obstacles. There was only one winner and only one prize: Freedom.
One Mortal was offered the one thing all craved. One Mortal was given a chance to become Immortal.

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