00 Prologue| I Am Mortal

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Prologue|I am Mortal

Jia's eyes flattered open to a hazy image of the grey heavy clouds, a sudden flash of lightening set them alight and the thunderous sound hung in the air. Jia lae on a cemented floor that was flooded with the monstrous rain. Her body felt numb and the once freezing water felt luke warm. She attempted to move her arms but she couldn't even lift them an inch off the ground. The thunder rattled the thick clouds once again and lightening blazed threw them.

The ledge of the wall slowly neared Jia and this is when she noticed that the current was carrying her to a fate with no return. The adrenaline shot through her and her once numb body began to sense it's icey surroundings. She raised to her feet as fast as possible but stumbled back into what she realised was river of water.

She had fallen of the ledge.

Her figure shot throw the waves of blue but continued to slowly travel deeper into it's grasp.
Noticing the growing strength of the current Jia swam as fast as she could to the highest and closest surface. She managed to place a foot on a surface and then began to jog to the next surface which lae higher then the other making the water volume lower. Her muscles burn in pure endurance and her vision remained nothing more then a foggy image.

She still preceded to run and jump as high and far away from the slowly increasing volume of the water. The thunder and lightening added to the chaos spinning in her head. Like: Where was she? How did she get here? And when could she leave?

A whirling wind began to develop ahead of her, causing her to seize in tracks. The wind blew her scarlet strands of hair over her shoulder. She used an arm as a shield against the now steel-like droplets of rain that struck down to the ground in un-quivering speed. Still standing in awe she heard the voices in her head whispering again.

"You're weak."

"You're useless."

"You'll never be worth remembering."

"You deserve to die!"

"No!"She screamed,"Stop it!"

Her hands shot to her ears and her head shook aggressively.

The thunder sounded again, lightening struck and the whirling wind drew near. Still keeping that set goal to never give up, she turn around and continued to run as far away she could get from the aqua below and wind above. Jia sprinted up disfigured surfaces and dodged the now raising walls.

"No one loves you!"

"Pathetic Creature!"

"Just die!"

The voices echoed in her head, taunting her, tempting her to just stop running and let the water and whirling wind have her but she refused. She wouldn't die a failure, she promised she wouldn't. Still running, a flash of lightening struck for her. It missed her by a fraction but the impact with the ground sent her soaring into the disfigured slap of cement, which raised up and catapulted her into the wind. The wind swirled her in circles before growing bored and spitting her out to the patriotic water, which engulfed her enthusiastically. Jia instantly panicked and darted to the water's surface, arms splashing everywhere. The water's current was strong, sway from side to side in vigorous speeds. Jia being the stubborn being she was, kept try to search for land and fight the currents pull.

"Death means peace."

"Death mean air."

The water slammed in her face sending her tumbling deep into the water.

"Death means Freedom."

The voices where now taking a different route, a route that hit every Mortal where it counted.


Jia's struggles seized at the sound of Freedom, the one thing she had lived without but always wanted. Her body began to descend in the water. Her threads of hair floated and spread around her caramel tanned skin, her limps let the destiny water had set take it's course and through it all Jia watch the grey clouds blur and the last gasps of oxygen float to the waters surface. The deep blue aqua surrounded her and kept her a captive.
Death is Freedom echoed in her head and she finally surrendered, she finally allowed death to trap her in the dark isolation, that she thought Freedom hid within.

"It was so silent, almost deafening. It was dark, it felt like the darkness had engulfed me to a place with no return. I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't say anything, I couldn't see anything. It was terrible, like knowing your alive but not being allowed to live,"Evan's voice invaded Jia's near surrendering thoughts.
"Death isn't Freedom, it's anything but it,"He finished.

Jia's eyes flattered open yet again and swam for air. The second she resurfaced, she found herself seated on a white bed that was situated in a white room without windows or doors; a bright florence light blinding her. She wore a white assembled outfit, which matched with the room's interior, gasping for as much air possible.

"Undetermined,"The room voiced.

On the wall to the left of her bed, a sparked of blue shone through the wall and a rectangular shape was traced with it. Once it had reached it's starting point again, it slide to the side and a man dressed in black stepped through.
His dark outfit, rich ink black hair and dark feature were in direct contrast with room, drawing Jia's attention immediately to him and his luminous blue eyes.

"Simulation a success, reasoning: undetermined,"He said as he read the information on his clipboard. He looked up from his notes and smirked.

It was Mr. Penaloza, the Head of the Immortals, the strongest man in the world.

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