Chapter 10 | Ancient Deceivers

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Thinking about changing the cover, any thoughts?

Chapter 10 | Ancient Deceivers

an area or portion that is distinct from others.
the plane figure enclosed by two radii of a circle or ellipse and the arc between them.
a mathematical instrument consisting of two arms hinged at one end and marked with sines, tangents, etc., for making diagrams.

"No,"Jia said with her features creased in confusion. Why would they think such a thing, why would the they think that she would think of, let alone try and kill the only people she had left to call her family.

The room fell silent at her confession and looked at the elders in a questioning manner, as if to say 'we told you so'.

"I told you,"Joshua exclaimed to one of the elders who stood near the front with her aged chin in her bony fingers.

The elderly woman had silver hair that the woman surprisingly pulled off, her eyes were a dull brown --having lost their glow during the years-- and her skin though draped with occasional wrinkles was smooth. The woman didn't look that bad for her age, considering she had passed the age of ninety lately.

"Then she can't be the Jedaphite's keeper,"the ancient woman stated with full certainty, not aware that Jia was indeed the Jedaphite's keeper.

The woman then fell into a deep thought, all the younger mortals watching her curiously, all wondering what on earth a Jedaphite was.
Jia looked at the woman mentally debating whether or not she should tell her that she was the Jedaphite's keeper but she decided against it and gave a nod of her head.

Then taking the act even further she asked,"What is a Jeda--Jedaph--Jedaphi--"

All mortals stood to attention at this question, all wanting to know what a Jedaphite was as well.

"A Jedaphite,"the woman interrupted with a kind smile, she had always loved the reaction people had to this word when it was uttered ; it was amusing how people found it hard to pronounce.

"Don't worry about it dear,"She dismissed in her sweet gentle voice that soothed the curiosity all other mortals in the room who listen to their conversation.

"Yes, what you should be worried about is the Freedom Game trails,"an elderly man supported and held the woman close to him.

The couple smiled loving at one another then to the crowd around them before walking away from the younger mortals and approaching the older mortals who congregated near the back left corner of the training room.
Jia always felt like the elders were keeping important information from her generation and those after it. Like when they seemed to say something such as a myth a chill would crawl down her spin or how people seemed to belief every single word that left their ancient lips. It almost felt like they had the entire Creation community under some sort of trance that none knew of.

"Earth transmission to Jia base,"Cindy said as she waved her hand across Jia's vision simultaneously.

"What?"Jia asked with an annoyed eyeroll.

"You and Joshua's eyes are going to roll out your eye sockets one day,"Cindy huffed as she hugged her own frame with a pouty frown.

Arching an eyebrow Jia asked rhetorically,"Oh is that so?"

"Yes it is so!"

"Okay, Cindy calm down,"Joshua advised patting her shoulder 'comfortingly'.

The blue-eyed blond shrugged his hand of her shoulder with a feral growl.

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