Chapter 7

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"Mrs.Castillo, Shania?" I ask in shock.

"Yea, I went to go get help." Shania says shyly and looks down.

"Cassandra Felsa, I worked with your mom a few times." She smiles at me. "Enough chit chat, let's get Daniel." She starts to run but my feet won't move.

"Cassandra, come on." Shania says.

"Y-You think he's still alive?" I walk up a bit.

"He loves you too much to die, he would never want to cause you the pain of him being gone. Of course, he's alive, Cassandra." Mrs.Castillo puts a hand on my shoulder. I nod and we run to Mrs.Johnson's classroom. Mrs.Castillo tells us to wait and she runs into the room. Shania and I peek in and see her beat the hell out of the two guys.

"Damn, she's good." We say at the same time to each other and quietly laugh.

"Ok guys, come in." She tells us while untying Mrs.Johnson and John. John gives me a big hug.

"Thank God, you're ok." He smiles and I hug back. "Let's go help D.Veda." We follow John to another classroom.

"Finally this dude let go of that password." We hear Seth say from the door. He walks passed the door to his laptop and we can see Michelle sitting in the corner looking down at her hands. "Aye, is he dead?" Michelle walks over and feels his pulse.

"Y-Yep." She quietly stutters. It feels as if my heart stopped. I clench my teeth trying not to make a sound. Everyone looks back at me because they know I'd be hurt the most. I don't know how to respond so I decide to just keep quiet. Mrs.Castillo pulls out a gun then goes into the room.

"Stop Seth." She holds him at gunpoint and he puts his hands up.

"Really, Natalie? Why don't you just let me do my job and go somewhere else?"

"I don't wanna do this, Seth, I really don't."

"Do it, shoot me, I dare you." He raises his eyebrows.

"I'm not gonna shoot you, I'll shoot her." She turns the trigger to Michelle.

"You're not really going to shoot her, are you?" Seth stands up.

"I will if you don't give this up." She tells him. Seth looks between the laptop and Michelle.

"You know I can't just leave this. I can't join the BFCB as easily as you did, ok."

"Yes, you can."

"Give me one good re-"

"Michelle is in the BFCB." Mrs.Castillo interrupts him.

"You're a liar. She's lying, right Michelle? Tell me she's lying." They both look at Michelle and she doesn't say a word.

"She was the Lifeline Supporter this whole time."

"Michelle, tell me she's lying!" Seth yells and Michelle shakes her head no and starts to cry.

"She's not lying. I've been in the organization this whole time. I'm so sorry, Seth." She covers her face. He shakes his head and runs his hand through her hair.

"Michelle, I love you but I can't just-"

"Yes, you can. Just switch over to the good side. It's not too late. If you just drop this it'll end the chase for a long time." She walks up to him but he backs up a bit.

"It wouldn't make a difference, it's not like I'm helping anyone." His face softens up as he stares into her eyes.

"You'll be helping a bunch of people. Cassandra and her family, Daniel's family, his friends. Please don't let this tear us apart." She takes his hands. It's silent for a long time and we all look at each other.

"Never." He quickly hugs her. Everyone lets out a huge sigh and Mrs.Castillo puts the gun back in its pocket. We all slowly walk in, me being last. I don't wanna see Daniel because once I do, him being dead will become real to me. Maybe if I close my eyes forever he'll never be dead. I feel someone take me in a hug and I open my eyes seeing it's Seth. I would push him off but I'm too numb to do anything.

"I'm so, so sorry for causing you this pain. If I could take it back I would." He squeezes me tightly.

"He's not dead." Michelle wipes her tears and says loudly. I lied because if Seth knew he'd kill him. He's alive, don't worry." She sniffles.

"Well he won't be if we don't get him to the hospital quick." Mrs.Castillo says. Seth and John pick him up and we all rush outside. They lay him in Mrs.Castillo's back seat and get in. I sit in the passenger's seat and they pass Daniel's mom's car keys then we drive off.

• • • • • One hour and a half later

We've been in the waiting room for almost an hour and everyone's getting even more anxious. The door handle turns and everyone shoots their head to the door hoping it's the doctor but it's DTW, Dev, Kev, Tati, D, Mike, and Daniel and I's families. We all make space but no one says a word. Mrs.Sepulveda and my mom wipe their tears with a napkin.

The last thing we heard from the doctor which was ten minutes after we brought him was "He has a very small chance of surviving but his body is fighting intensely to survive. But that also exhausts his system which is why his chances are so low. It's mostly mental so if he has a motivation to stay alive he'll keep fighting. Hopefully the fighting won't be never ending and lead into a coma."

The only information I have to lean on is that he's fighting but if he fights too much he could kill himself. A bunch of doctors rush passed us and into his room shouting random instructions. Some leave then come back with a table of supplies. And I thought this couldn't get worse.

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