The Cave Troll

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     The Fellowship was once more walking in the dark of Mordor. It was their third day day in Moria and the thirteenth day of January, though no one would even know if not for Vala.

     "What time of day is it, lass?" Gimli asked.

     "It is morning, for sure." Valadhiel answered. "Maybe about six o'clock."

     The Fellowship suddenly stopped and Gandalf looked around.

     "I have no memory of this place." He said, then turned to Valadhiel. "Do you remember this place?"

     Valadhiel looked around, using her light beams so she could see better. Strangely enough, she had no memory of it either. Then again, she'd not been here in a long time. "No, I'm afraid not."

     Valadhiel sat cross legged on the floor, as they might be here awhile. The rest of the Fellowship sat around as they waited for either Gandalf or Vala to remember the way. Valadhiel tried flicking her tongue to see if she could remember any smell, but it was no use. She was never that good in caves: even though she was fully dragon.

     "Are we lost?" Pippin asked.

     "No." Merry said after looking unsure.

     "I think we are."

     "Shh!" Sam hushed them. "Gandalf's thinking."

     After a few seconds of silence, Pippin spoke again, though even quieter this time. "Merry?"


     "I'm hungry."

     Valadhiel smiled to herself. Hobbits and their stomachs. Bilbo had struggled with that the beginning of the journey: being accustomed to six meals- and occasionally seven- each day. She reached into her satchel and pulled out some of her food rations. She didn't have much, but she had enough to share. Besides, she could go a lot longer without food than a Hobbit could.

     She stood and walked over to Pippin, handing him some of her food as she sat down. "I've got enough to share."

     "Thank you, Vala." Pippin said, taking the food gratefully.

     Valadhiel continued to take food out of her satchel and passed it to the Hobbits. She even offered some to the others just in case they were running low, but they politely refused.

     She looked over her shoulder when she heard something- or someone. She flicked her tongue and, seconds later, its eyes were visible. She recognized that smell and those eyes anywhere. Those eyes belonged to Gollum. And, of course, you could never forget someone who smelled like blood, fish and things of the like.

     Valadhiel walked over to Legolas, hoping to converse with him since she was bored out of her mind at the moment. Legolas looked over at her and smiled.

     "I'm so bored." Valadhiel said. "Sitting around here and not talking isn't very entertaining."

     "Funny, coming from someone who once wanted to be alone in a cave all the time." Legolas teased.

     Valadhiel laughed. "Indeed: but that was before I realized how lonely I really had been. And being alone in a cave was my only safe place: and even then I wasn't always safe."

     "What had happened that caused you to pass through Mirkwood: when we first met?" Legolas asked.

     "That was when my father had left and seized Erebor." Valadhiel said. "And I didn't mean to pass through Mirkwood: I had started off flying before I was shot down. Anyways, the hunters had found me. That is what drove me from the cave."

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