The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

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Valadhiel = Vah-lahth-ee-ell

Vala = Vah-lah

Bearn = Bee-yairn

Bearna = Bee-yair-nuh

Beranwyn = Bear-an-win

Berynel = Bear-inn-ell

Beorn = Bee- orn

Bernin = Bear-nin

Beowulf = Bay-oh-wuhlf

Bearyon = Bay-air-yun




     Valadhiel sat upright in bed. Her breathing was heavy and she was shaking. Even though it had been sixty years since that dreadful day, she still had the nightmares. When they weren't about Thorin, they were about Kili and Fili. When they weren't about Kili and Fili, they were about either her father, mother or brother. Sometimes all of them were in the exact same dream.

     There was a knock on her bedroom door.

     "Come in, Uncle Beorn." Vala said.

     Beorn opened the door, walked in, and sat on Vala's bedside. "Are you alright?"

     Valadhiel nodded. "Yeah. Another nightmare- well, memory in a dream. I didn't wake anyone else, did I?"

     "No. They were already up."

     "Getting up at dawn must run in the family." Vala said with a smile. "I didn't miss breakfast, did I?"

     "No. Bearn and I are getting started on it now." Beorn said as he stood up. "I'll leave so you can get ready."

     Vala smiled in reply and Beorn left the room, gently closing the door behind him. She got dressed (into her normal Elven dress, like Tauriel's) and opened her window. She looked out at the rising sun and sighed. So much had changed in sixty years.

     Valadhiel had wandered around killing Orcs after staying alone in her cave for awhile. Then she had gone to her Uncle Beorn's house to stay for awhile. About two years later he had found another Skin-Changer, a female, named Bearn. She could also change her skin into a bear, as well as a wolf, eagle, and tiger. She and Beorn had seven children; meaning Vala now had seven cousins. There were three females and four males.

     Beorn and Bearn named their daughters Beranwyn (named after Vala's mother, who was called Deragwyn in Dragon form), Bearna, and Berynel.

     They named their sons Beorn II, Bernin, Beowulf, and Bearyon.

     In order there was Beorn II, Beranwyn, Beowulf, Bernin, Bearna, Bearyon and Berynel. The oldest three were triplets, and the rest were all at least a year or two apart.

     That wasn't the only thing that was different, though. Valadhiel had gotten news awhile ago that Balin and Ori and some others had gone to Moria to try and reclaim it, but had been gone ever since. She had a bad feeling that something wasn't right.

     Not only that, but there was a darkness growing in her mind. Gandalf had come over and told her that he was sure the Ring Bilbo had and passed down to Frodo was 'The One Ring of Power' that Sauron had forged. Also Orcs were becoming more and more plentiful.

     Valadhiel finished getting dressed and brushed her hair before she opened the door and made her way into the kitchen. As she got nearer she heard a familiar voice; the voice of an old man.

     "How is she doing?"

     "She seems to be doing better." Beorn answered. "She still has the nightmares."

     "Would she be up for another quest?"

     Valadhiel entered the kitchen to see Gandalf and Beorn talking. Bearn was setting the table for breakfast.

     "I would be up for another quest, Mithrandir." Vala said.

     Gandalf and Beorn turned to look at her.

     "Ah, Vala!" Gandalf greeted. "It is good to see you again."

     Valadhiel walked over and gave the Gray Wizard a hug. "It is good to see you as well, Gandalf. What brings you here?"

     "Elrond is holding a council back in Rivendell. He is hoping you'll come." Gandalf replied after Valadhiel released him from the embrace. "I've heard that Gimli and Gloin will be there."

     Valadhiel perked up at the mention of the Dwarves' names.

     "Bilbo is there too, as is his nephew, Frodo. And a certain Elf Prince will be there, and a certain Ranger."

     "Legolas and Strider." Valadhiel said with a slight smile. "I was wondering what was going on down in Rivendell. I sensed a danger; a danger that felt like The Ring."

    "You can feel The Ring?" Gandalf asked.

     Valadhiel nodded. "That's how I knew Bilbo had it. I saw him put it in his pocket, also I remember sensing the same thing when I was last trapped in the dungeons and Gollum had shown up."

     "So you will come?"

     Valadhiel nodded. "Yes. When is it?"

     "Whenever Frodo wakes."

     "He's injured? Do you need any help?"

     "No, Elrond took care of it. Although he couldn't completely heal him. He was stabbed with a Morgul Blade."

     "I am afraid not even I could completely heal him, in that case. When will you be leaving?"

     "Later on today."

     "Then I will go to Rivendell with you."

     Bearn turned to Vala. "Not to interrupt, Vala, but could you get the others and tell them breakfast is ready, please?"

     "Yes Aunt Bearn." Valadhiel answered before walking out the door.

     She flicked her tongue, trying to pick up her cousin's scents. They shouldn't be too far from home. Once she picked up their scents she linked her mind with theirs.

     'Breakfast is ready.' She thought to them.

     She stood out there until she finally saw all seven of her cousins come out of the woods in the distance. Valadhiel smiled slightly, remembering the time Bombur outran all of them when Beorn had been chasing them in bear form sixty years ago.


Daughter of Dragons: A Lord of the Rings FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora