The Mines of Moria

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Song above is Song of Durin sung by Eurielle.


     The Fellowship was now nearing the Moria Gate. The sky was pretty cloudy now, making it a little darker than it really was and it was getting darker by the second.

     "Frodo, come and help an old man." Gandalf said.

     Frodo walked over to Gandalf and supported Gandalf as they walked. Valadhiel looked at Gandalf and smirked, knowing he needed no help and just wanted to speak privately with Frodo. Since she had really good hearing, she began flapping her wings in preparation to take off.

     "I'll meet you at the gate." She said before flying away.

     Legolas and Aragorn exchanged a look, both smirking in an amused sort of way. Valadhiel would never change.


     Valadhiel sat on a stone by the West Gate of Moria. While she waited for the others she decided to practice her ice magic since she hadn't really used it since that one time sixty years ago. Who knows, ice might come in handy. And maybe she would even be able to make water by melting her ice with her fire.

     The dragoness lifted her palms and focused her thoughts on ice. Soon she felt a cool feeling spread across her from the inside out. She focused all the coldness to her palms and soon a frost cloud hovered above her hands.

     Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind. Valadhiel let out a cry of surprise and accidentally threw her ice at a large boulder, freezing it completely. She jumped off the rock and spun around to see a blonde haired pointy eared elf.

     "Legolas!" She cried. "You could have made me hurt someone!"

     The rest of the Fellowship arrived just then, some of them smirking.

     "Sorry." Legolas said with a shrug.

     Valadhiel smirked. "Im ista le ind, Legolas." [1]

     Legolas smiled. "No, Im ista." [2]

     "Ind im ista le nar u naer." [3] Valadhiel crossed her arms.

     Legolas raised his hands in surrender. "Le gar i tur." [4]

     "What are they saying?" Gimli asked, frustrated.

     Gandalf chuckled. "They're just fooling around." He then turned his attention to the stone wall and began feeling along it.

     "Dwarf doors are invisible when closed." Gimli said.

     "Yes, Gimli." Gandalf said. "Their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten."

     "Why doesn't that surprise me?" Legolas said.

     Valadhiel smiled. "This reminds me of when Thorin, Kili, Fili, Dwalin, Balin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Bilbo and I were trying to find the hidden door of Erebor."

     "I still wish I could have gone with you." Gimli grumbled.

     Valadhiel patted Gimli's shoulder. "Staying behind to protect the women in a noble job, Gimli."

     "I keep forgetting that you accompanied Thorin Oakenshield." Boromir said. "That was sixty years ago and you look to be only in your twenties."

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