Fond Memories

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     Valadhiel strolled in the gardens of Rivendell. It was now evening and the sun was just beginning to set. She looked up at one of the waterfalls. Not just any waterfall, but the exact same waterfall she had splashed through, startling Thorin, Balin, and Bilbo.

     Suilad, mellon nin." [1] A familiar voice came from her left.

     Valadhiel turned her head and smiled when she saw who it was. "Good evening, Glandur."

     He stood beside her. "How long has it been, sixty years?"

     Valadhiel nodded. "Yes." She looked back at the waterfall and smiled even bigger. "Last time I saw you we were here. I had just flown through that waterfall and startled Masters Thorin, Bilbo and Balin."

     Glandur grinned. "Yes, everyone in Rivendell heard your playful roar. That is how I knew where to find you. I hear you're going on a quest."

     "I thought that was supposed to be secret." Valadhiel looked at Glandur with a smirk.

     Glandur shrugged. "Elrond made mention of it. I still do not know all the details."

     "And you're not getting any details from me, before you ask."

     "It was worth a try."

     Valadhiel looked back at the waterfall, which was now glimmering in the moonlight. "I'll be right back." She shifted into her dragon form and flew towards the waterfalls. She splashed through the one with the cave-type thing behind it: the same place Thorin had been sixty years ago, and landed. It all still looked the same.

     After staying there for a few minutes as she remembered that one night, she turned around and flew back out and splashed into another waterfall, letting out her 'playful roar', as many called it. She looked back at where Glandur had been. He and Legolas were now talking and watching Vala every now and then.

     She looked over at where Bilbo's room was. He and Frodo were talking on the balcony and, like many others, were watching Valadhiel. Sam was strolling through the garden, and she saw Aragorn and Arwen off in the distance.

     Valadhiel shifted in midair and flew down to Legolas and Glandur, water droplets flying from her wings. Her wet wings sparkled in the moonlight. She smiled at the two elves.

     "This is like old times." She said. "The only difference is that we're in Rivendell instead of Greenwood."

     "I honestly think Rivendell is prettier than Greenwood." Glandur said. "Of course, the last time I saw the forest it was... darker."

     "A darkness still lies upon the forest." Legolas said. "And there it will stay until the dark lord is finally defeated."

     "Have you been there recently?" Vala asked.

     Legolas nodded. "A short time before I came here. Have you recently been there? Last I heard you were no longer banished."

     "No, I am no longer banished, but I've not been there. I will not return until the spiders are gone."

     Glandur let out a soft laugh. "You never have liked spiders. Not even the smallest of them."

     Valadhiel shook her head. "No, not even the smallest: and the bigger ones are creepier."

     "At least they're not Orcs." Legolas said.

     "That is a good point."

     "A very good point, indeed." A new voice came from behind them. "Do you still remember when we entered the forest of Mirkwood? We wandered off of the path and ended up in Lord Thranduil's realm.

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