Chapter Sixty-Five: Dáin II Ironfoot

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Over the crest of the hill to the west of them, an army appeared and Thalia stared wondering just what to expect from them; she signalled for Bilbo to keep close doubting that he would do well if this turned into a fight. 

At the front of the army that was approaching them was a dwarf riding a boar, something that did little to warm Thalia after what had just happened between her and Thorin. 

Gandalf moved through the crowds towards where the dwarves were, he had to be the one to make them all see that this fight would only end in death; there was something bigger about to happen and they did not stand a chance if they were arguing between themselves. 

The dwarves inside of the mountain cheered at the sight of their kin, they had arrived just in time and it hadn't come a moment too soon; they would need all the help that they could get to deal with the elves. 

Thranduil ordered his men to focus on the new threat that approached them, he urged his large stag forward knowing that if a war was what was coming for them then his people would fight for him. 

"Who is that? He doesn't look very happy," Bilbo asked hurrying to catch up with Gandalf, he looked behind him at Thalia who was following him slowly along with Cornelia and Paloma. 

Gandalf stared at the approaching dwarves, no one was taking his warning seriously and it would only backfire when they were forced to deal with the real threat. 

"That is Dáin. Lord of the Ironhills, Thorin's cousin," Gandalf revealed everything was falling apart around him and he wished that he had been here to stop it; everyone was in danger and they didn't have time for petty disagreements. 

He had tried to warn Thranduil and Bard of what was coming for them all and yet the Elven Lord had dismissed his concerns as his want to just protect his friends.

"Are they alike?" Bilbo asked jogging a little to keep up with Gandalf, he feared that this situation was about to get worse; he didn't want anyone to die when this could all be solved if Thorin snapped out of this sickness. 

Cornelia and Paloma didn't say a word, they couldn't imagine what Thalia was going through right now and they were pleased to see that their cousin wasn't breaking down over her decision. 

"I have always found Thorin to be more reasonable of the two," Gandalf revealed concerned, his eyes sweeping over the dwarven army and he had little doubt that Dáin would charge on the eleven army if they stood in his way. 

The two armies stopped facing one another and Gandalf continued to move forward, he needed to alert them all of the trouble that was coming their way without leading to more fighting. 

Among the elven soldiers stood a group of men, they were armed and looked nervous at the sight of the dwarven army that was now stood before them; none of them were truly fighters and they had no idea how this was going to play out. 

"Good morning, how are we all?" Dáin asked slowing his boar down and looking over the army that was gathered outside of his cousin's mountain; he had arrived just in time to back Thorin and his men. 

Thalia stared up at Dáin almost wondering if the man had no idea what he had just arrived to; his cousin had completely lost his mind and there was no way around that now. 

"I have a proposition... if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time, would ya consider... JUST SODDING OFF!" Dáin thundered making the humans in the army jump, they stared up at the frightened dwarf not quite knowing what to do now.

Cornelia snorted at his words, she had a feeling that she was rather going to like Dáin after everything that had happened; she moved to stand next to Thalia wanting to be prepared for whatever came next. 

Paloma slowly did the same, she felt out of place when it came to her cousins and she was hopeful that this would be over soon; she looked over at Thranduil glad that he hadn't spotted her or acknowledge her yet. 

"Come now Lord Dáin," Gandalf said moving out of the crowds, he looked towards the dwarf hoping that he could be reasoned with at that moment; they did not have time for angry dwarves losing their temper. 

Dáin's eyes turned towards the wizard that stepped forward from the gathering, he was not impressed to see him on the side that was opposing his cousin after he had originally helped him take back the mountain. 

"Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave or I'll water the ground with their blood," Dáin threatened not in the mood to deal with this, he wasn't surprised that the elf thought that he could get away with what he was doing. 

Bilbo frowned at what he heard, this was not what they needed right now and he had no idea what Dáin would do if the elves didn't do as he wished; it would all end in bloodshed over gold. 

"There is no need for war between dwarves, man and elves, a legion of orcs march on the mountain, stand your army down," Gandalf pleaded stopping in front of Dáin, he felt like his words would fall on deaf ears but he had to try before it was too late. 

Thalia shook her head, she doubted that Gandalf was going to be successful with this and it was better to prepare for whatever came next; she could feel the tension that was building around them. 

"I will not stand down before any elf... not least this faithless woodland sprite," Dáin refused staring at Thranduil, he watched to punch his pretty face in after everything that he had done to his people and he wasn't going to change his mind.

Cornelia made a noise under her breath and ignored the look on Paloma's face, she was sure her dear cousin had spent far too much time sucking up to Thranduil to even realise how stuck up he truly was. 

"He wishes nothing but ill on my people, if he chooses to stand between me and my kin; I will split his pretty head open, see if he's still smirking then," Dáin shouted not willing to back down now, he had no idea what had happened before he arrived but he did not plan on backing down now. 

A smile slowly formed on Thranduil's face and his blue eyes watched the dwarven lord before him; this was working out much better than he had imagined. 

Bard stared at the newly arrived dwarf army and wondered just what he had gotten himself into; he hadn't been expecting this when he had sided with Thranduil. 

It was clear that the elven lord had no concerns about starting a war that would end in death for the dwarves; he hadn't wanted it to get that far only for them to have what was promised to them. 

"He's clearly mad... like his cousin," Thranduil responded not looking away from the dwarven army, he wasn't impressed that this was dragging on and the sooner that he had what he wanted the better. 

Dáin glared at Thranduil not happy with what he was saying, he needed to speak with Thorin to find out what had occurred before he had arrived here; he had never expected to deal with elves at that moment. 

"Right lads we're on," Dáin announced turning back to his army and preparing himself for the charge, he wasn't going to let the sprite get away with talking about Thorin that way. 

However, before anyone could move the ground started to shake and everyone turned to the sound of rumbling and roaring on. 

"You've got to be kidding me," Paloma whispered in horror at the sight of giant worms that were springing from the ground before them.

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