Chapter Sixty: A Long Awaited Moment

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Feeling confused as she slowly started to wake up, Thalia remembered falling from the tower and then her world had disappeared into darkness; she groaned slowly sitting up and rubbed the back of her head. 

Shaking her head, Thalia looked around wondering where she was and she needed to catch up with the others before they headed up the mountain; she could only imagine what would be waiting for them there. 

The door to the room where she had been resting opened and a woman stepped inside, she stopped seeing that Thalia was sat up and she was suddenly unsure of herself. 

"You're awake," the woman whispered making Thalia turn around and look at her, she stared at the woman who had clearly been looking after her. 

The woman walked across the room as quickly as she could and sat down next to Thalia on the bed, she had been so worried when Thalia had fallen and she was relieved to see that she was okay. 

Thalia shifted away from the woman, she had no idea where she was but she had a feeling that she wasn't in the human realm anymore; it reminded her of her trip to Olympus when she had met her real father for the first time. 

"Thalia," the woman said softly, she had refused to back down over this and had even told Zeus that he could go to Tartarus if he thought for a moment that she was going to back down. 

Poseidon had enjoyed the chance that he had been given and Amphitrite was sure that it was her turn; she had done what she had been asked, she had given away her only daughter and watched her being raised by strangers. 

"I have waited twenty-six years for the moment to speak with you again," Amphitrite whispered with tears in her eyes, she had no idea what to say to the daughter that she had been forced to give up; she remembered clearly the day that Thalia had been taken from her and given to that undeserving human family.

"I'm sorry?" Thalia murmured confused about the entire situation, she had no idea who the woman before her was and she hated that things like this kept happening; she wished that everything was simple again. 

Things had changed so much in Thalia's life since she had come to Middle Earth and she couldn't imagine for a moment what would have happened if she hadn't been dragged into all of this. 

Amphitrite sighed softly, she was a little hurt that Thalia had no idea who she was but it was to be expected after what had happened; she had barely been a couple of hours old before she was taken from her. 

"Thalia. I am your mother," Amphitrite revealed looking at Thalia hopefully, things had changed so much and it wasn't right that Thalia had no idea of her real family; the last thing that Amphitrite wanted was for Thalia to return to that awful family that had raised her. 

It had taken a lot of persuasion from Poseidon and Zeus to stop Amphitrite from doing something drastic every time the family did something that she didn't agree with; she hated how they had treated her daughter like she was nothing more than a problem to be dealt with. 

"I have waited so long for this moment... it's almost cruel that it won't last," Amphitrite said smiling a little at Thalia, her daughter would have to return to the quest soon and she hoped she would be strong for what was about to come. 

Thalia had an important part to play in the coming battle and it didn't stop Amphitrite from worrying about what would happen to her only daughter; she couldn't imagine how devastated Thalia would be and she wished that there was something that she could do to stop it. 

"You're my mother?" Thalia whispered almost in awe of the fact and she had no idea what to say to her, she had never imagined after meeting Poseidon that she would get the chance to meet Amphitrite.

It had never really crossed her mind that Amphitrite would want to meet her, Thalia had assumed that her parents would have such little interest in her after what she had seen last time. 

Amphitrite nodded her head, her blue eyes watching Thalia closely knowing that she would give anything for her daughter to stay; she hated that they had been forced to deal with the mess in Middle Earth and it was coming at a cost. 

"I never wanted to give you away," Amphitrite said wanting Thalia to know that she had always been wanted, she had always desired a daughter and she hated that things had worked out this way. 

It had taken her a very long time to forgive her husband for his part in taking Thalia from her, Amphitrite had refused to speak with him for nearly ten years and Triton had been forced to deal with the fall out that losing his baby sister had caused. 

"I know," Thalia murmured hating how guilty her mother looked, she couldn't actually believe that she was meeting her mother for the first time; she was already starting to like Amphitrite a lot more than she had ever really liked Kathryn. 

Amphitrite chewed on her lip, she had no idea what to say now and she really had never thought this would happen; she fiddled with her gown knowing that there time was running short. 

"I have to go back," Thalia murmured knowing that the others weren't going to wait for her, it would be a long trip to the mountain and she had a bad feeling about what she would find there. 

Smaug might have been dealt with but Thalia knew that this was only the beginning, she felt something dark stirring in Middle Earth and it was growing stronger. 

"You do," Amphitrite conceded a little bitter at that fact, she was never going to have the chance to bond with Thalia as long as anyone else had a say but that didn't mean that she was going to let this be the last time.

Thalia slowly got to her feet, she wasn't going to let anything stop her from getting where she needed to be; she couldn't imagine what would be waiting for her when she got back to Middle Earth. 

Watching her daughter standing for a moment, Amphitrite took a chance as she wrapped her arms around Thalia and pulled her into a hug; she closed her eyes praying that Thalia would be safe. 

"I am always going to be there for you," Amphitrite whispered into the blonde's ear, she would make sure that this wasn't going to be the last time that they saw one another; she didn't want to think that she could ever lose another daughter again. 

Thalia hugged Amphitrite back, she felt loved for once by someone who was meant to look out for her; she guessed this was why she had never really fit in with her adoptive family. 

"Goodbye mum," Thalia whispered just as the world around her started to fade away, she held onto the comfort that Amphitrite offered her for as long as possible before she was surrounded by icy-cold water. 

Pulling herself to the surface, Thalia felt someone grab onto her and she was pulled from the river onto the side; she gasped and brushed her fingers through her hair in shock of what had happened. 

"Why am I always fishing you out of water?" Cornelia snapped glaring at her cousin, she huffed knowing that this certainly wasn't what she had expected when her mother had told her to come here. 

Persephone had encouraged her to come towards the mountain after Cornelia had tried to leave, she had even made sure that she was safe when Smaug had attacked Laketown. 

Staring at Cornelia in disbelief, Thalia wondered what the hell she was doing back after storming out months ago.

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